kiddie pool

20 Replies, 11469 Views

I'm home alone today and most of tomorrow so I decided to get out the kiddie pool and have some fun. The goal was a hogtie with tied elbows, ballgag and a blindfold.

Here are some snapshots:

 vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h44m05s50.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h44m15s180.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h44m37s168.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h44m43s226.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h44m49s31.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h45m11s2.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h45m52s146.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h45m59s223.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h46m09s46.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h46m30s13.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h46m46s162.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h47m14s173.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-17h47m25s42.png   

As you might have noticed I had to much going on for wearing gloves and a blindfold to unraffle so I did not manage to cinch the wrist loops into an inescapable tie. Trying to keep the elbow tie simple also resulted in it not working very well so the tie was not secure. This turned out to be a really good thing because I was using an ice lock to hold the strap ratchet. I put it trough an O-ring, the rod from the lock will slide trough but the lock's exterior can not so I'll have to wait for the ice to melt and then I can free my hands. Except during the tying the carabiner I used for easily connecting the straps trough the O-ring to the ice lock snapped itself shut over the O-ring! Meaning if my tie had been secure I would have been stuck. See here:


I don't have a habit of blindfolding myself but since I've done this tie before I decided I would be able to pull it of without checking a mirror. On top of this there were 2 bright 500 Watt halogen spots pointed at me and I was way overdressed. After 4 minutes I decided to get out since I was getting to hot. So being stuck would have been really bad, I don't know if I would have been able to get out of that pool.

Lesson learned I guess.

Anyway I'm going to play in the pool some more but with less clothes on, just a swimsuit I guess. I don't think anyone here wants to see that (I'm a fit, low fat, medium muscular male with hairy legs, chest and ass) but if you do; I'm taking requests, as long as it's not to warm 😊
One quick question though...
Is the pool in use for a technical reason... Catch the water from the icelock??
Or is it just one of those 'things' ?
Not judging... Just curious
(26 Jul 2016, 17:58 )ltxrob Wrote: Interesting.
One quick question though...
Is the pool in use for a technical reason... Catch the water from the icelock??
Or is it just one of those 'things' ?
Not judging... Just curious

I had it inflated anyway and then thought it would look interesting on video. It also limits how far I can crawl around in bondage so it's an extra restriction, and because of that I could use a blindfold and don't have to worry about wandering of camera. The feelings is actually quite nice, it's pvc and it's soft. I've put some blankets under it so it's comfortable as well. Last but not least it's a very neutral setting, anybody can have one of those so it's anonymous enough to post on the internet.
Thanks for the explanation Anne.
This was GREAT!

I was totally stuck for about 20 minutes, then the ice lock was melted enough so I could force it open. My right hand started to tingle a bit so no time to spare.

Since I usually can get out of my ties this was one of the very rare occasions where I was totally helpless. Could only reach a single knot but it was to tight with to much tension on the ropes. Last time I didn't try to get out of the pool but now I did and was thinking of I could reach a knife or something sharp somewhere while hogtied. The question was moot as I did not manage to get out of that pool, it was my self inflicted soft pvc confinement.

Some pics:

 vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h31m03s62.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h33m36s219.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h34m00s50.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h34m21s11.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h34m33s146.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h34m41s222.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h35m53s159.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h37m02s86.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h38m18s88.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h39m06s51.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h39m59s27.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h40m16s242.png     vlcsnap-2016-07-26-21h40m51s64.png   

For this the video is decent as well but it's a bit long, I'll see if I find time to cut it a bit in the next couple of days.

I can do one or two sessions tomorrow morning but then I need to get this stuff cleaned up. I'll see if I find something more colourful to wear, or if somebody has a preference for colour I can do that too, leave me a comment.
I love your silver and gold outfit.
I would like to have one myself.

Now here is an idea for all of you.

Kiddy pool
Latex outfit

Poor oil in the kiddy pool and then go for a ride.
Or J-lube.
Oh boy, Oh Boy, OH BOY! 😁

Please do not be (too) embarrassed if I state that this is my EOTD! Blush

I love the clothing in first set, with you wearing tights and gloves, but the bondage in the second - I know, fussy aren't I 😉

Dig the use of the inflatable pool, especially with the high sides; clever and very inventive - I may have to steal it! 😇

Preferences for colour? Well... I do have rather a big thing for Tan/Toast coloured tights, with a black or blue leotard for ultimate fantasy. But I would totally delighted to see you in another session wearing whatever colours you liked, so please feel free (or should that be 'bound'?) to wear what you prefer.

@Tinker_D has a good idea about adding a little oil/lube to make things even more... interesting..... Mocking

Brilliant post and huge thanks for sharing once again

(This post was last modified: 26 Jul 2016, 22:14 by madjack.)
Quote:Now here is an idea for all of you.

Kiddy pool
Latex outfit

Poor oil in the kiddy pool and then go for a ride.
Or J-lube.

Lube, definitely. Oil will quickly destroy rubber (and lycra's elasticity).
(26 Jul 2016, 21:54 )Tinker D Wrote: I love your silver and gold outfit.
I would like to have one myself.

Thanks! I got this leotard: metallic gold
and some cheap skirt from ebay, I have the same in gold somewhere.

Quote:Tinker D


I ripped some of my latex clothes and the others don't fit too well any more so this will remain on my wish list as well, it's also harder to clean up and then I need to explain to my gf why our kid's pool is all oily.


Please do not be (too) embarrassed if I state that this is my EOTD!

Not at all, I'm flattered 😊


I do have rather a big thing for Tan/Toast coloured tights, with a black or blue leotard for ultimate fantasy.

I have both black and blue leotards, in the morning I'll get the black one out as it will contrast better on the blue pool background.

There should be time for 2 quick sessions everybody; so one chance left to ask me what to wear in the kiddie pool.
When I say oil, I'm thinking baby oil or oil that is used in cooking.
Like corn oil.

Hmm.... Just thought of two things.
1> can an enema be added here?
2> Can you use corn or olive oil in an enema?