captcha login

3 Replies, 177 Views

I tried to login today from another computer and I couldn't. It's probably because there is some new (google?) captcha attached to that login that I blocked.

Since I don't intend to let google know I visit this site, when my cookies will expire on this computer, I will be locked out.

I'm saying good bye now, while I still can.
Google should not have anything to do with the site, but Cloudflair definitely does, since Cloudflair sits between the Internet and the site:

Cloudflair detects bots and spiders using various techniques, and when the combination of suspicious factors is over a particular threshold, Cloudflair shows its captcha once a day.

BTW, what device, OS and browser are you using to visit the site? If it's Android and/or Chrome - Google knows everything regardless of any captchas 😂
(This post was last modified: 15 Apr 2024, 00:29 by Like Ra.)
I usually enter with firefox on linux. The login problem happend with firefox on windows. I'll investigate more when I get back home (saturday). I won't logoff from the browser I'm using now.
If this is a false alarm - sorry. I'm just very paranoid when it comes to this subject.
It works now and I can't replicate what happened last time even though I made no changes.
Sorry for the false alarm.