St Andrews cross with multiple Orgasm

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@MadJack's request
I am not the best story teller but I will give it a try. Sorry if I am long winded. And unfortunately no pictures.

This session was about a year ago.

My gear
Modified St Andrews cross with arm straight out to the side and elctromagnets to lock hands to it.
Venus 2000
Vibrating prostate massager
Vaccum pump
Ring gag, rope and several belts and a forced orgasm belt
X10 modules with a pc program to run them.

Due to time constraints my setup is simple and breaks down completely

My setup is the cross. I use belts to secure my legs, torso and forehead to the cross. The door magent for my hands have several timers attached as a failsafe back up. I use the vaccum pump as an addition to the venus 2000 and for nipple torture. In addition I save several loads of cum (stored in the freezer). The cum in put into two tubes that runs to my ring gag. A magnet drops and pulls the tube above my head and you are forced to endure. I use two so I cannot just plug one with my tongue.

For my controls I use Home Control. It is an older program to control X10 modules and you can write timed macro events. I have written around 12 macros with different lengths of the session and varying activities. These were written over several months and I use dice to decide which one to use. This way I have no idea how and when everything will happen once I trigger the macro.

My prep. I insert the butt plug ( It is my favorite, it rotates and vibrates and has me dripping huge amounts of precum immediately) Next a very tight pair of women's control panties with a hole in the front for me. This securely hold the plug in place. A bra to hold the cups to my nipples and a modified forced orgasm belt to hold the Venus receiver in place.

It is time. I get my legs strapped to the cross, venus receiver in place, gag in and vacuum connected. At this point I start my macro. I has a 5 minute delay flashing a light once every minute to let me know how long I have to finish my setup. By this point my heart is racing and I have to calm myself down. I don't want to finish before I start.

From here I finish strapping my chest and forehead to the board and turn on the butt plug. The last step is to put a pair of modified gloves on. They have metal plates to hold my hand to the door magnets. A couple of zip ties to make sure the gloves will not come off and I am ready.

On deep breath and I put my hands to the magnets and now there is no turning back. I am stuck and I test my bonds to no avail. A few minutes later the vacuum pump fires up and starts pulling me in and tugging on my nipples. The harder I get the better seal the more my nipples are pulled. After a few more minutes the Venus 2000 turns on. I have been so worked up it is a real fight to keep from going of immediately. Needless to say, with the but plug going, didn't take long before I came and was desperately trying to stop the relentless stroking. This macro was an evil one that kept going for over ten minutes straight. When everything shut down I was hard again. Damn thing was only stopped for about 30 seconds and everything comes on again. I am frantically trying to keep from cumming again. Somewhere in the next ten minutes I didn't even hear the other magnet drop.... but it did and suddenly my mouth is filled with cum. My ring gag has a lip on it so I am unable to push it out of my mouth. This loss of concentration sends me over the edge a second time and now I am shaking from the post orgasm torture.

This time the machine does stop. I continues for what seems like forever (in reality 20 more minutes) It manages to work me up one more time and this time is almost unbearable. I am so sensitive that it takes several minute for me to regain composure. Finally everything shuts off and my right hand comes lose ( I am left handed) I know what is coming next so I desperately struggle to get lose before...... damn it starts again for five more minutes before releasing my left hand and then I am able to get the Venus off of me.

My total time locked was about an hour. Once unstrapped I took a bit to sit before cleaning up. I was exhausted but it was one of my most successful sessions ever. My nipples had slight bruising for about a week. Other than that no other signs.

My only wishes would be a way to control the Venus speed and for some sort of edging detection.
(This post was last modified: 30 Sep 2018, 23:28 by Like Ra.)
Forgive me for asking, but what is a force orgasm belt?
I should know it, but for some reasion it keeps slipping my mind.
Ah, I wish there were photos ;P
That all sounds amazing. I don't quite picture the "magnet drop and stored cum" system though. Perhaps a better description of that part or maybe a picture is possible?

You could probably use an arduino to make an automatic speed controller for the venus. I've experimented some with those. As for edging detection, that's a bit of a unicorn that many toy manufacturers would love to figure out the secret of. I have some ideas for different edging methods using electronics but I haven't tried any of them.
Ive theorized about this alot myself. I'm convinced the true challenge has nothing to do with processing the data but actually lies in gathering it. Specifically getting rid of environmental "noise" including the function of the sex toy itself. Actually processing the clean data is easy after that once you've got a benchmark(basically how much involuntary penis twitching there is)
(This post was last modified: 02 Oct 2018, 03:56 by KageRa.)

Thanks for sharing @boundsolo - what a great session you describe!  😁

Like others I would love to see some images of your set-up if possible (even if it isn't possible to share photos of you in the cross, it would be cool to see the component parts and how you have built the cross).

I think your use of gloves with metal plates is a very clever solution - though I'm not quite clear on how you manage to strap them on to prevent you being able to wriggle free?

I've never tried one of those vacuum machines on my nipples (I do use clamps) - are they really an effective stimulant?

Fascinated by your plug, and very tempted to get one myself;  however I have always been disappointed by 'massaging' or vibrating plugs in the past (my ass simply feels numb after a few minutes and all feeling is lost) and I wonder if this one is really that good?

Your 'stay bound and suffer' set-up with the 'forced' cum drinking by using 2 tubes is another clever solution to blocking the tube with your tongue, though I've always found that (my) cum is very viscous and doesn't flow easily using gravity alone - any tips or hints?

The description of your forced orgasms is exactly how I imagined (fantasized) it would be - the initial one being pure pleasure and then the subsequent orgasms becoming more and more exhausting - wow!

I great first session and thank you again for sharing, I look forward to reading (and maybe seeing) more of your adventures in the future!

@Tinker D the forced orgasm belt is designed to hold a hitachi wand in place for women. I had to modify strap lengths to get it to work for me.

@Like Ra As for photos, due to my home situation I ma forced to completely disassemble my setup so as not to be discovered by the wife. All I have are scattered pieces of the rig which have since been modified for other scenes. I wish I had some to share. Next time I do a session I will snap a few. With raising grandkids and a wife that is rare these days.

@madjack for your questions... the vacuum on the nipples varies not only by size of cup but strength of the vacuum. I do find it not as painful as clamps but I have sensitive nipples so I do find it stimulating.
The gloves I use are work gloves with a velcro strap at the wrist. I have found that a zip tie above the velcro makes it impossible to remove the glove. My cum after freezing and thaw seem to thin out some but I do add a few drops of water to help. I also make sure both ends of the tubes are open for air flow. I have found if one end is closed, things don't flow so well. Lastly the plug, I have tried several and this one hits just the right spot for me. The vibration is great but it is really the massage setting that does it for me. It would probably be better it there was the ability to cycle on and off but that isn't really feasible.
(This post was last modified: 07 Oct 2018, 17:04 by Like Ra.)
Of course, stupid me.