While not bodily restraining at all, the online world of second life still provides many items, that can restrain your avatar, and, when using good stuff, this does a lot to your imagination. There are various "viewers" to play Second Life. One is called "Real Love Viewer", which is a silly name, but it had to be changed from "Real Restrained Viewer" to that, due to regulations by the game provider. Well, you do need this viewer, available on the internet.
First the basics of "Real Restraint":
Any restraint, such as handcuffs, ropes and the like, is "worn" as an "attachment". This means, it is attached to the body of your avatar and triggers a "pose" to make the avatar look like he is bound. the item will also display the appropriate bondage gear, a rope around the wrists for example. Better restraints can be manipulated by clicking them or sending chat messages. You can wear the restraint unlocked and move freely. Then you "lock" it, and it will put you into the designed bondage posture. Locking can be tied to a timer, which will automatically unlock the device after a given time. If locked by someone else who touches your restraint, it might be impossible to unlock it by yourself. But, if using the official viewer, you always have two options: Take off the restraint, or right-click it and reset the scripts inside. The Real Love viewer goes one step further, because it has been designed for BDSM role playing. However, restraints need appropriate scripts to take advantage of these features. As a result, a restraint can be made undetachable when it is locked (or even as soon as it is worn). There are various other features but they are not important here. I will explain some of them later.
So, using the Real Love viewer, if you wear a Real Love compatible restrained: Once it is locked by someone else, you cannot take it off, your avatar looks bound and you can't do anything about it. The other person (sometimes anyone) has to release you. In most cases, you can trigger the bondage by yourself and then release yourself as well. You can start a timer that keeps you tied up until it runs out, no escape until then. These timers can usually be set to a time from a few minutes up to several months. Once you log out, the status is saved, if you come back, you will still be bound, the timers usually refer to online-time rather than real time, they are stopped when you go offline. One escape is always possible, log onto the standard viewer and take off the restraint. But good restraints re-apply automatically, once you log onto the Real Love viewer. Unfortunately, there are restraints, which do that too, but mess up the system, so be careful. There are also timers that trigger the bondage after a given time, and then for a given duration. I cannot describe all possible variations, but if you look around, you will find many.
Ok, using the Real Love viewer, you can do some self-bondage, timed, secure and safe. After a given time, the bondage will fall off or you can take it off by yourself. If you have some empathy with your avatar, this can be quite some fun. Just like in real life, you might want to avoid being seen by others, but since nobody knows the player behind the avatar, you can push the risk much further.
I will explain some interesting methods in the following posts. Anyone else who has good ideas can do that too, feel invited!
A closer look to Marine Kelley's "Shibari Arms"
Shibari Arms is a fully Real Love compatible set of bondage ropes, that can be applied to the arms and upper body. You need to wear all items on your avatar, and then a simple mouse click opens a control menu with a couple of buttons for bondage styles. Clicking on one of these buttons will tie up the wearer, and only the person, who has clicked, can instantly release him. Other persons, though not the wearer, are presented with a puzzle that they need to solve. This puzzle is not too hard, but it takes some time and there is no explanation, makes it a bit harder to find a friendly but unknown person to release you.
In order to help your imagination, here an image showing my avatar unbound, then bound, with hair up to show all ropework.
Ok, you could do all this by yourself, you only need to read the instructions that come with the restraints. Now some more interesting features (partially documented as well) concerning self-bondage:
1. Timer
You can set a timer to keep you tied up until it runs out, no access to most features of the restraint. You only have a few options then, except for waiting.
- you can add time to the timer
- you can fight against the bondage and perhaps get free (quite unlikely though)
2. Autotie
A feature, that many of us would like in real life, the bondage will be triggered after a given time and stay on for a given time (or be detachable right away). Once started, you can't stop the timer. But it will warn you shortly before bondage starts, so you can find a safe place first.
3. There are two ways to trigger the control menu, clicking one of the parts of the restraint or typing "/77" into chat. Both methods can be switched off, this applies only while you are tied up.
In order to switch off the clicking method, you need to go to plugins - controls - touch and there switch off "touch self".
In order to switch off the chat command, you must be tied up, but by yourself and with no timer, because otherwise you can't get to this control. Simply click your ties, select special, then "/77 off".
Switching off both methods lets you still trigger the bondage, but you got no access to the menu anymore. Any other avatar can free you by solving the puzzle game, but you can't.
Well, there is one other feature, that lets you get to the control menu: Recent editions of Marine Kelley's restraints come with an Animation Override, which controls some of your movements, to look even more realistic. You can even get a control HUD (head up display) to change the settings. The control of these HUDs eventually leads back to the main control menu of the restraint. If you want to be really stuck, you need to delete any copy of these HUDs (also from the Trash folder), or at least take them off and disable the use of your inventory (which can be done in the control menu as well).
The "worst" scenario:
The latest editions of the Real Love viewer are standalone, you don't need to have the official viewer installed. Disable /77 and click to control your restraints when active and remove the Animation HUD(s). Restrain yourself and close the control menu. You will need to install the official viewer to release yourself, no instant freedom!
There is one feature, that I would like though: The ropes come with buttons to "tug", "wiggle" and "fight". These allow you to fight for freedom. Chances are low, and after a certain number of attempts, you have to give up and wait an hour or so. This is a way to escape, but it might take days or even longer. This would be a nice teaser if you are otherwise hopelessly bound, but as soon as you can't access the control menu, you cannot use these buttons anymore.
Other scenarios:
You could use several sets of restraints. For example, bind your arms without any escape and add accessible leg ties. Then play with the timer and autotie for the legs. Like this, you could explore many areas of SL (remember, that being in bondage could offend some people, best stick to the "explicit" areas), do pretty much anything except for using your arms. Of course, leg ties impair your walking and flying (yes, you can fly in SL) abilities.
Another picture, my avatar bound legs and arms:
(This post was last modified: 27 May 2012, 14:54 by Strappado.)
First the basics of "Real Restraint":
Any restraint, such as handcuffs, ropes and the like, is "worn" as an "attachment". This means, it is attached to the body of your avatar and triggers a "pose" to make the avatar look like he is bound. the item will also display the appropriate bondage gear, a rope around the wrists for example. Better restraints can be manipulated by clicking them or sending chat messages. You can wear the restraint unlocked and move freely. Then you "lock" it, and it will put you into the designed bondage posture. Locking can be tied to a timer, which will automatically unlock the device after a given time. If locked by someone else who touches your restraint, it might be impossible to unlock it by yourself. But, if using the official viewer, you always have two options: Take off the restraint, or right-click it and reset the scripts inside. The Real Love viewer goes one step further, because it has been designed for BDSM role playing. However, restraints need appropriate scripts to take advantage of these features. As a result, a restraint can be made undetachable when it is locked (or even as soon as it is worn). There are various other features but they are not important here. I will explain some of them later.
So, using the Real Love viewer, if you wear a Real Love compatible restrained: Once it is locked by someone else, you cannot take it off, your avatar looks bound and you can't do anything about it. The other person (sometimes anyone) has to release you. In most cases, you can trigger the bondage by yourself and then release yourself as well. You can start a timer that keeps you tied up until it runs out, no escape until then. These timers can usually be set to a time from a few minutes up to several months. Once you log out, the status is saved, if you come back, you will still be bound, the timers usually refer to online-time rather than real time, they are stopped when you go offline. One escape is always possible, log onto the standard viewer and take off the restraint. But good restraints re-apply automatically, once you log onto the Real Love viewer. Unfortunately, there are restraints, which do that too, but mess up the system, so be careful. There are also timers that trigger the bondage after a given time, and then for a given duration. I cannot describe all possible variations, but if you look around, you will find many.
Ok, using the Real Love viewer, you can do some self-bondage, timed, secure and safe. After a given time, the bondage will fall off or you can take it off by yourself. If you have some empathy with your avatar, this can be quite some fun. Just like in real life, you might want to avoid being seen by others, but since nobody knows the player behind the avatar, you can push the risk much further.
I will explain some interesting methods in the following posts. Anyone else who has good ideas can do that too, feel invited!
A closer look to Marine Kelley's "Shibari Arms"
Shibari Arms is a fully Real Love compatible set of bondage ropes, that can be applied to the arms and upper body. You need to wear all items on your avatar, and then a simple mouse click opens a control menu with a couple of buttons for bondage styles. Clicking on one of these buttons will tie up the wearer, and only the person, who has clicked, can instantly release him. Other persons, though not the wearer, are presented with a puzzle that they need to solve. This puzzle is not too hard, but it takes some time and there is no explanation, makes it a bit harder to find a friendly but unknown person to release you.
In order to help your imagination, here an image showing my avatar unbound, then bound, with hair up to show all ropework.

Ok, you could do all this by yourself, you only need to read the instructions that come with the restraints. Now some more interesting features (partially documented as well) concerning self-bondage:
1. Timer
You can set a timer to keep you tied up until it runs out, no access to most features of the restraint. You only have a few options then, except for waiting.
- you can add time to the timer
- you can fight against the bondage and perhaps get free (quite unlikely though)
2. Autotie
A feature, that many of us would like in real life, the bondage will be triggered after a given time and stay on for a given time (or be detachable right away). Once started, you can't stop the timer. But it will warn you shortly before bondage starts, so you can find a safe place first.
3. There are two ways to trigger the control menu, clicking one of the parts of the restraint or typing "/77" into chat. Both methods can be switched off, this applies only while you are tied up.
In order to switch off the clicking method, you need to go to plugins - controls - touch and there switch off "touch self".
In order to switch off the chat command, you must be tied up, but by yourself and with no timer, because otherwise you can't get to this control. Simply click your ties, select special, then "/77 off".
Switching off both methods lets you still trigger the bondage, but you got no access to the menu anymore. Any other avatar can free you by solving the puzzle game, but you can't.
Well, there is one other feature, that lets you get to the control menu: Recent editions of Marine Kelley's restraints come with an Animation Override, which controls some of your movements, to look even more realistic. You can even get a control HUD (head up display) to change the settings. The control of these HUDs eventually leads back to the main control menu of the restraint. If you want to be really stuck, you need to delete any copy of these HUDs (also from the Trash folder), or at least take them off and disable the use of your inventory (which can be done in the control menu as well).
The "worst" scenario:
The latest editions of the Real Love viewer are standalone, you don't need to have the official viewer installed. Disable /77 and click to control your restraints when active and remove the Animation HUD(s). Restrain yourself and close the control menu. You will need to install the official viewer to release yourself, no instant freedom!
There is one feature, that I would like though: The ropes come with buttons to "tug", "wiggle" and "fight". These allow you to fight for freedom. Chances are low, and after a certain number of attempts, you have to give up and wait an hour or so. This is a way to escape, but it might take days or even longer. This would be a nice teaser if you are otherwise hopelessly bound, but as soon as you can't access the control menu, you cannot use these buttons anymore.
Other scenarios:
You could use several sets of restraints. For example, bind your arms without any escape and add accessible leg ties. Then play with the timer and autotie for the legs. Like this, you could explore many areas of SL (remember, that being in bondage could offend some people, best stick to the "explicit" areas), do pretty much anything except for using your arms. Of course, leg ties impair your walking and flying (yes, you can fly in SL) abilities.
Another picture, my avatar bound legs and arms: