Programs - Clear Clipboard + Timed Shut Down

8 Replies, 5745 Views

Hello all.

So, I know their is a fair bit of software on this site aeady, which is mainly all linked to making a better session or a more enjoyable session where you have less control. Well, these are not one of them.

What I have done is used my limited Java coding skills to program 2 little programs, one that clears your clipboard and the other which will shut down your computer after a set time. I will explain them both bellow. They both use Java, so if you don't have it then click here.


Lets say you are looking up stuff, don't want to be found. You have a list of web links or something stored in a password protected file and you copy and paste them into the address bar. When you are done your copy something over them, clear your internet history (or used private mode) and you check your recently viewed files list.

Well, their is still a way for someone to get that link back from the clipboard... even if they don't mean to. You don't want your child to find the link while doing their homework on Word or something do you?

This program when ran will check if the clipboard is empty, if it is not then it will empty it and then check again, if it did not fully empty it the first time then it will empty it again until it is empty. I use this program a lot science I made it nearly 2 weeks ago, and after I have used it cant see any way to get back the items onto the clipboard, making it compleatly reliable.


The other program people may not see such a need for, but it may still be useful. This program will work on shutting down your computer if the password is entered incorrectly. You have a set number of tries, each with a maximum time before they are used, and when they are all used up then it will shut down your computer.

2 passwords are accepted, one is to deactivate the program, and the other is to add more time to the current try. These are both stored encoded to help to make it more secure. Their is also a setting to automatically empty the clipboard every set amount of seconds, to stop or just annoy any unwanted users. Every setting is configurable and their is even a small program to help you to set the settings that it uses.

So, you may wonder, why? What is the need?

Well, I can think of a few things. First of, lets say you want to turn of your computer in 5 mins time, you can leave this running with 1 try and 5 minutes on the clock and it will then wait 5 minutes and then turn of your computer.

Lets say you got a friend coming over to tie you up, well, you can leave this on when you check the door, if you get tied up your computer will turn itself of after some time, and they will need a password to stop it. If it is not them then you can enter in the password and can stop it from turning of.

Bit of a RP scenario here. Their is a bomb controlled from your computer, you have 5 attempts to crack the password or it will explode, you cant leave it for ever or it will explode.... You must 'extract' the password from your captive any way you can to disarm the bomb, before the time runs out.

Their are also many other ways in which this can be used, but they are the main uses above and one fun reason. This uses a set of other files as well as the main file to run, they are all explained in the readme included in the file bellow.


So, please feel free to leave any feedback or comments on the program. If it is used then I will start to improve it, aeady got a few things that I want to add but have spent enough time for now working on it. 😇

Attached Files
.zip   Shutdown (Size: 90.24 KB / Downloads: 46)
.zip   Shutdown (Size: 148.59 KB / Downloads: 30)
.zip   Shutdown (Size: 95.12 KB / Downloads: 48)
.zip   Shutdown (Size: 189 KB / Downloads: 22)
(This post was last modified: 29 Dec 2012, 15:22 by cloud.)
Hmm, nice little project. I'm especially liking the password encryption method.

I do have a question though:
Why does running out of time just lose you a try and not just shut down the computer? Would it not be more straightforward if you get 3 attempts and 60 seconds to guess the password? That way, if you fail all 3 tries (even under 60 seconds), or you run out of time, then boom: Shutdown.

Also, is it a Java command that shuts down the computer? Or are you using a shutdown -t0 /s variant from the Windows API?

And I have to say, I can't believe I've never thought to clear the clipboard when using someone else's computer!! It seems like such a schoolboy error!
I'll need to remember and do that in future... Thanks :bow:

Well, at least someone likes the sound of my little programs.

Well, the original idea for the shut down program was based on a security program that I made (and got fully working) for my memory stick, but I couldn't get it to auto run... The idea was 3 trys, 20 seconds each to protect my memory stick.

well, changing it to have both in it should not be too hard to do, all it will take are some logic statements and another variable. Will add it to the list of things that I want to improve with it.

As for what it uses for shutting down the computer. Their is no Java command from what I could find, so instead i found a nice little piece of code which uses the System class to return your OS name, and then it used String class commands to see if it contains cirtian key words (e.g. 'Windows') and then based on that it runs OS commands to shut down the computer. This way it will run a different command if it is a Mac or Linux OS.
That shutdown method is pretty damn sweet 😊

To get it to work on the memory stick, because of the really annoying 'no autorun' problem, you could encrypt the files and use your program to unencrypt them. Then that way, it wouldn't matter if someone could access your drive, as the contents would be unreadable without the password. I believe file lockers and the such do something along these lines, and I know some people who swear by them for their pr0n. I'd probably be waiting for 3 years while it unencrypted my collection, so I don't bother 😉
Just a little thought...

Well, I did think about a method of encrypting it all, but it is a VERY large memory stick and is nearly full...would take too long for me to access my files.

Another thing that I can do along the lines of this, which other people may like to do themselves, if put it all into a series of .rar files, all encrypted. I do this for stuff at home, I have 1 file with 1 password, inside it is 10 more .rar files each with a different password from the first file. They also mainly all use generic names, so if someone was to try to unencrypt it they would find it hard to separate the files. I know winRar works of a memory stick no problem, and from experience as long as the .rar file is left open you can save a file directly to it from the normal save functions in most programs.

Well, back onto this program. I have worked on improving it this morning, couldn't help myself..... I will post the new version in a few days, their is still a few more things that I want to do. I have added in a lot of new stuff, all simple stuff that should make it easier to use and work, including your suggestion (still left the old time per try feature in, but now you get to decide which in the settings file).

Also btw, forgot to comment on the clipboard thing earlier today.... I did not think about it much either until I was doing some school work on powerpoint and brought up the clipboard, to see the link to this site on it 😉 I would normally copy another thing over any links like this but I forgot that it stored the history, and not just the most recent item.
In a school? Oh dear... I imagine that wouldn't have went down well, had it been found by the faculty.

I used to have a little app years ago, it was brilliant. You would open it up and drag a picture (gif, jpeg, etc) into a box in the program window. Then you would drag any files (and filetype) you wanted, onto the picture.
Underneath the picture would be a list of all the files you had added, and a blank password box.
After setting a password, you would whack the 'hide' button and hey presto, your files would vanish.
What you were left with, was the original picture file that appeared completely unaffected. The filesize was the same, it still opened in image viewers, you could still edit it in photoshop, etc, etc.
However, if you dragged this image back into the app and entered the right password, it showed you what files were hidden within it and presented you with an unhide button, which would instantly make them re-appear.
It was a truly astonishing little app, but for the life of me, I can't recall it's name. There's a good chance I've still got it somewhere, but it was over 10 years ago and I have over 2TB of programs/apps, so will take some digging.
I believe the method is called 'steganography'. That might help put you on the right track, if you're interested.

I have no idea how many years of my life has been spent watching .rar/.zip files extract. They are very handy, but hard to entertain in times of urgency.
Christ, I've even written an app to stop my HDDs from going to sleep, just because I hate waiting that 10seconds while they spin up. ...Although, I do believe I'm also extending their life doing this, as they aren't stopping and starting all the time.

Looking forward to the new version. 😁
I myself delved into a little programming last night. Nothing major, just tidying up a few little pieces of code which I have now managed to look upon with fresh eyes.

While 'bugs' and 'programming', normally don't go well together, I have to say that I've definitely been bitten by the programming bug again, thanks to your post 😋

(This post was last modified: 01 Dec 2012, 02:05 by LustrousLaminaLover.)
Just added the new version. I have not edited it in the past couple of days and thought I better upload it before I forget.

I did add your suggestion, but as a separate option so it functions both ways round. Also I changed how the encoder works now, so it can handle more than 62 characters in use.

Also, the program that you mentioned to hide the files by encrypting a code within a image which the program later use to get the locations of the files to unhide. It is a good idea, but the issue is, I am not talking about a small memory stick here.
(This post was last modified: 08 Dec 2012, 02:08 by Like Ra.)
Ok, me again. I dident test v1.1 at all, this is apparent as the timer dident work.... Well, after I found out (yesterday) I worked on fixing it and adding a few extra features to make it easier to use. I also managed to reduce the file size a lot as you can see.

I got around to testing it on a Linux OS as well (Ubuntu 32-bit) and it works as expected. if someone could please also test it on a Mac OS for me, see if that works as well then I will be happy.

So, I hope you all like the latest version, it is on the main post as always.
Hello again all.

I have been working on many other programs science (which I wont post here) and it got me tempted to make the program that will keep a HDD active by writing to a file every set amount of time. This can be useful if you are using .rar's and don't want to wait for the HDD to become active again before you can save your files, or if you leave it plugged in for a long period of time without using it.

I have made it adaptable so that you can add multiple locations for it to write a file to each with their own time difference in case you use multiple external HDD's, and it also has other features like system tray support, automatic deletion of files after use, automatic closing the program after a set time all of which for now are editable through the settings file.

I have also adapted the shutdown program a bit more, it will now also use the system tray as well, and will also display in minutes and seconds, as well as automatically converting between seconds, minutes and hours in the settings program.

Hope you like all of the new changes.

p.s. the HDD program don't work in Linux.

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