HI @
Tinker D
On your SRD question, I'm with @
Anne - rope ratchets all the way for me! None of the problems I had with SRD (actually the opposite of what you reported - mine kept slipping and slackening off, or else twisting and refusing to tighten up), cheap, easy to get hold of and very easy to set up.
Butt plugs and their tendency to pop out - ah, that's a bit more complex.
What follows is mostly based upon my experiences and I can accept that not everyone is exactly the same, although I suspect as a 'rule of thumb' what I experienced is much the same for most.
Firstly we have to accept that our mammalian bodies have had millions of years of evolution (insert your own beliefs in here if different - intelligent design, divine intervention, etc) to become very good at ejecting things from our anal passage! So straight away you will be trying to reverse that process or at least stop it happening. You could investigate chemical measures to numb/paralyse the muscles involved, but I'd be very reluctant to go down that route for all kinds of health (and sanity) reasons!
So, that means we need to consider what, exactly, it is we are trying to push in somewhere that's urgently trying to push it back out, and specifically the shape and size of that object.
I think that plugs that are basically shaped like dildos with a bit of a flared base are never going to be easily retained inside your ass. I personally love a butt plug that's shaped mostly like a cock - it's the middle one in the photo below:
- it feels amazing, inserts quite easily and 'rides' (in and out) in a very stimulating manner, but there is no way it will stay put without help!
This is all down to the basic shape - without a pronounced 'neck' there is nothing for the sphincter muscles to close tightly around (i.e. their 'normal' position) and so, with the lube used to insert it making things slippery, its very easy for your body to automatically eject it!
The same rules apply to more classic shaped plugs that are simply to short (in length) or too slim (in width) or have no real 'neck' - the examples below all fall into this category:
Ah! I hear you say, what about that last one on the right? It's got a narrow neck and bulbous body, that must stay in! Not in my experience, because it's simply too short (only 5cm) and so can't get far enough past the sphincter muscles to avoid their expelling actions.
So long is the answer? Not exactly.... the plug below is my most recent purchase and is, for me, a monster 40cm long!
But even though it's a real bugger to get in (pun intended) its so long that my entire colon is triggered into trying to move it outwards (almost like an enema, but without the cramps), so despite the neck and length it will not stay put without additional means.
So, what works for me?
My go-to plug for (almost - read on) guaranteed retention is one very similar to the blue plug in this picture (mine is just over 18cm long - 14cm insertable, with a maximum width close to 6cm) the longer 'neck' combined with length means that the widest part goes well past my sphincter muscles, in fact it 'sucks' itself in as the body tapers down to the base, whilst the neck is small enough for those muscles to clamp back down and help hold it in).
But, and there is a but, two problems can arise that seem almost mutually exclusive in their nature.
The first is extraction - this 'fit' if I can call it that, is so good that getting the damn thing out can be a real challenge and rather uncomfortable. I described the plug being 'sucked in' and I'm convinced the seal is so tight that despite all my efforts with fingers to pull and ass to push, there is a vacuum behind the plug that I have to overcome before it will come out - this is quite alarming at times and borderline painful.
Perversely, the second problem is that, at random times and with no warning, the plug can and does still pop out! An extreme case of this was when I was out shopping, plugged, wearing 3 pairs of control top tights and a Lycra body, underneath my jeans, t-shirt and fleece. Wandering down the tinned fruit section I felt the plug start to move and before I could react it was more than halfway out! I must have looked very odd and I suddenly sat down on the shelving behind me, in an urgent effort to push it back in. It did go back, but then kept popping out again, resulting in me doing a walk-sit-walk-sit-walk-sit type movement all the way through the shop, at checkout, across the car park and only when I was seated in my car did I feel safe again!
I've walked over 3miles and mowed the lawn with that same plug inside me, all with no problem - but just occasionally I feel my body change, my sphincter relaxes and everything goes south!
I will add one more style of a plug, which I've not tried but have heard many good things about, that is reputed to stay put and not pop out.
- sometimes called an 'ass anchor' or 'ass bomb'
This shape takes things to the extreme (for me at least) with a very wide and long bulge and a long slim neck, all of which combine to exploit the sphincter muscles 'sealing' things in place.
These days I like to add layers of nylon (tights) and Lycra (bodies, leotards and suits) over my ass, all to help a plug in place. As I posted elsewhere, I'm considering purchasing a pair of those 'sliming/body-shaping' pants (in the smallest size I can squeeze into) to, amongst other things, help hold any kind of plug inside me.
I'm not sure this post will provide a solution to your quest, but hope it might help or give you ideas that could help.