(08 Oct 2024, 15:12 )melindahun Wrote: What are the signs you have identified as "misandrical" with yourself? I hate men π¬
But I love cocks π
... go figure ...
(08 Oct 2024, 15:13 )LikeΒ Ra Wrote: (08 Oct 2024, 15:12 )melindahun Wrote: What are the signs you have identified as "misandrical" with yourself? I hate men π¬
But I love cocks π
... go figure ...
Yeah, not the ideal outcome.
But Gracie's loops seem to be hammering in the idea that you wouldn't hate men, rather learn to adore and serve them. I haven't done the full loop training yet, only parts and read their summaries, but it is something that I seem to be in this direction. Any other alternative you would suggest?
(09 Oct 2024, 09:41 )melindahun Wrote: Any other alternative you would suggest? Yes, there are some.
Let's merge with this thread: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showth...p?tid=3787
(08 Oct 2024, 15:13 )LikeΒ Ra Wrote: (08 Oct 2024, 15:12 )melindahun Wrote: What are the signs you have identified as "misandrical" with yourself? I hate men π¬
But I love cocks π
... go figure ...
i cant say what files did it too me but i swear the word cock used to turn me off hypnosis
not anymore
and i feel like what u said did the same to me
More Later Just Sharing Those for Now
(This post was last modified: 11 Oct 2024, 14:14 by Like Ra.)
WARNING: This file may cause permanent damage to your health and behaviour. If you listen long enough, the effect might be irreversible! Listen at your own risk and only if the effects are desirable! Beware of impotence and sexuality changing suggestions!
This is a famous one.
Curse Forced Gay (CFG)
Quote:This file forces the male listener to become gay. It will make it so he cannot become aroused by women and that whether it humiliates him or not he wants men's cocks.
0_CurseForcedGay.mp3 (Size: 5.4 MB / Downloads: 42)
Curse Forced Gay (binaural).mp3 (Size: 32.43 MB / Downloads: 36)
Curse_Forced_Gay_w_binaural_effects_(MP3).mp3 (Size: 32.42 MB / Downloads: 21)
Forced Gay (Kendall Mix).mp3 (Size: 38.33 MB / Downloads: 28)
curseforcedgay.txt (Size: 8.88 KB / Downloads: 23)
(This post was last modified: 10 Oct 2024, 00:51 by Like Ra.)
(10 Oct 2024, 00:46 )Like Ra Wrote: Curse Forced Gay (CFG)
Quote:I was really stupid with Curse Stroke Sissy. I thought this would be a joke. After about a year I left my wife and live with a guy. I am a real life sissy to him and beginig feminization. I realise that my thoughts were probably latent and deep inside but I don't think I would have gone down this route if I hadn't listened. It's strange, but I was still bi when I listen to Curse Stroke Sissy however after two months of Curse forced gay I really switched and think only about men.
It was alos strange I fought and fought the effects then just gave in. I am happy but don't know if the files have made me so.
Last night tucked up in bed with my mans arms around me I did have a brief feeling how the heck did I get here but then I am and want him.
So really be careful make sure you want this.
As it does work.
Quote:After listening for two months, I'm gay, and I wasn't before. The file changed me. And judging by the posts here, it's changed others as well. Unless I'm misremembering and without meaning any disrespect, the guys who question whether this really changes you are the guys who haven't actually tried it. Whereas those of us who have listened and stuck with it are divided into two camps, those who have moved in with their boyfriends, and those who can't wait to move in with a boyfriend.
OK, so this file will make you gay if you listen with it, stick to it, and are a good hypnotic subject. Which can probably be learned -- going into trance is a skill, an ability we all have but often have to practice for a while to master. If you want to give it a try, you may want to listen to a trance training file for a while first until you have the hang of it. Or a less intense file.
I guess the question then is, do you want to become gay? If my experience and that of others here is any guide, you'll love it -- this file makes you want men the way you wanted women. But there *are* real drawbacks to being gay, namely bigotry and not being able to have a family, if that's something you want. I don't think the bigotry is much of an issue these days -- the sort of friend who will desert you if you come out to him probably wasn't much of a friend in the first place. But for many, having a family can be a more serous issue.
Another thing is that while it probably seems like forever, 22 is still young. You have plenty of time to meet the right girl, if that's what you want. In fact, if it weren't for your bi curious side, I'd say it makes more sense for you to keep trying for a while than it would to change your sexuality just to get a partner. Not because turning gay won't work -- gay sex is nothing if not easy to get, there are going to be plenty of hot guys wanting to get into your 22-year-old pants, hell, you could come over here π. But it seems to me it would make more sense if that's the only issue to work on your relationships with women, maybe ask a female friend if she can honestly tell you if there's anything you're doing that's making you unattractive to women, maybe improving your dating strategy, going on blind dates, all the usual stuff.
What makes me wonder, though, is your bi curious side. Could this be the real you? Could you unconsciously be putting women off because you really need something else? I've noticed over the years that finding one's sexual identity can require a certain amount of experimentation, that often you don't really know what you are and what you like until you've tried it. I've seen even middle aged people try something they've never done and change totally overnight, realize suddenly that this is something they've always wanted or wanted to do.
And vague impulses, a fascination with something -- that's one common way in which the subconscious makes its sexual desires known. I mean, there are other files that might be expected to grab your interest, like files that increase your attractiveness to women But you're fascinated by this one. Which makes me wonder, purely as a matter of speculation, whether you aren't bottling up a gay side that would make you happy.
So -- I love the file and if you decide to listen to it, I think that's cool and hope you have as much fun with it as I have. I just wouldn't do it solely as a way to attract a partner, not at this stage in your life. To overcome shyness over a part of you that wants to come out, sure. Or on a lark as I did or as part of a dare or because you get off on being changed. But just not as a way to get sex or get a partner if you would really prefer women, not yet, because there are usually ways to do that that are less heavy duty.
Does that make sense? I'm sensing as I said that you really do want to do this, which probably means it's right for you. But because the file can change you, it's more than just shacking up with a guy to see if you like it, so IMO it should be something that you do because you want the effects of the file -- for whatever reason -- rather than just to end your sexual frustration or loneliness, given that there are probably less life-changing ways to do that.
(10 Oct 2024, 00:46 )Like Ra Wrote: Curse Forced Gay (CFG)
Dave564 Wrote:May 28th, 2009
Hi - I'm a new user on this site but I've visited for over a year, I have to confess despite being straight I must have read the unbelievable forced gay success thread over and over about 1000 times.
I'm a straight 22 year old from the uk, I've had bi-curious tendencies for as long as I can remember but never acted on them, I've been single for many years and am starting to have desperate feelings.
Does anyone think this file can actually help me?
I'm trying to work out if its a good idea or not, I've never tried hypnosis I should add. - I'm trying to read into the stories of other people who have tried it but it's hard to understand what effect it has actually had.
So confused.
I'm definitely shy, but wouldn't say any real social phobias, I have plenty of friends and yeah I'm working on overcoming my shyness and having a bit more confidence.
My friends always say they don't understand how I'm still single, and nor do I really - either way none of them know about the bi-curious thoughts I've had.
Do these files help you decide what you want to do - or do they make you into something you're not?
Dave564 Wrote:June 11th, 2009
Interesting chat guys, well I listened to the file that night - it seemed quite nice to listen to, I THINK I went into trance, not sure - either way not sure what else to say, think I'm gonna listen to it again tonight before bed.
When does someone expect to notice any changes?
Dave564 Wrote:June 13th, 2009
Listened to the file 3 times now, and still no real feelings or noticeable changes yet - it's kind of funny to think how long i considered doing this and how non-eventful the results have been so far!
I do find the file really addictive and fun to listen to though, especially as the voice seems to get more and more emotional as it goes along, it's nice.
I haven't tried looking at gay porn, not sure where to even start searching for that kind of stuff - not sure its a good idea to be honest.
Dave564 Wrote:June 14th, 2009
Well I looked at some stuff tonight, and have to admit I didn't really feel anything, nothing beyond the curious thoughts I had a eady had.
I'll probably listen to the file again tonight anyway.
Dave564 Wrote:June 15th, 2009
hmm.. ok had a weird moment today on the train, a guy in the next carriage who was looking really.. hmm I don't know if gay is the word - but sort of scruffy hair, tight black jeans, a sort of rainbow coloured belt and bangles with a camp t-shirt was walking towards where i was sitting (he was getting ready to leave the train) - he stood right next to where I was sitting so his waist level was pretty much right at my face - his arm accidently touched my face \ hair at least twice as the train rocked slightly - and well I think I felt a bit excited maybe?
Or am I just looking for things that aren't there because I'm aware of what I'm doing? it's hard to tell π
Dave564 Wrote:June 16th, 2009
I would say that after be out and about today I've definitely felt "different" but there's nothing obvious or direct I can say about what that really is.
I'm looking at men in the street (which is a bit weird) but I'm not really noticing anything different, same can be said for porn links too.
Dave564 Wrote:June 20th, 2009
Thanks for the advice, ok I'm still listening to the file and definitely think I'm feeling the effects - I work in a male orientated environment and I've definitely found myself looking at the guys around me in a different way, and especially the ones who go to the gym at lunchtime.
Last night I masturbated while thinking of men, this is the first time i have ever done this in my life - wow.
I still feel attracted to women, at least when I think about them yeah.
It's all pretty strange at the moment to be honest, I have weird thoughts about guys - but I don't actually find them attractive to look at.
Alien4420 Wrote:The same thing happened to me. It changes bit by bit, until all the stuff that turned you off, like rugged male faces, turn you on instead.
I also found that my attraction to women was one of the last things to go. To some extent, it's never gone entirely, since I'll see a woman out of the corner of my eye and be very briefly attracted, then the attraction gets sucked down into some hypnotic void. It's almost as if someone flipped a switch.
Dave564 Wrote:June 22nd, 2009
I don't think I "want" to be gay knowing what I'd have to go through in life, but then I do live in a very gay-tolerant city and have no real intentions of moving away, I don't think being this way has to be problematic, I mean we're known for having a really big gay population yet it's quite clear most still choose to keep their sexuality private, I would have no problem doing that if I felt like I had to, I think the strange thing that I'm experiencing at the moment is that I'm actually enjoying listening to the file, and so far the small changes I'm noticing are not unwelcome.
Dave564 Wrote:June 25th, 2009
When I woke up this morning I noticed a real change, this is definitely the biggest most noticeable change in "feeling" I've had since I started listening to the file - without a shadow of a doubt - this morning I felt gay it's as simple as that - I went straight online and started looking pictures of men - I've been in a really good mood all day today too, in fact an uncharacteristically good mood compared to how I've been of late.
I was actually just listening to some music just now, and some of the tunes had homophobic lyrics and I can't believe I'm saying this - but I actually had to switch it off - I know the reason why I started listening to it had nothing to do with that (I've never been anti-gay or anything like that) but I dunno - something about hearing it today just pissed me off - very weird.
It's even more amazing considering I've not been in a good way recently, all sorts of problems here, there, at work and everywhere - I just don't know why I feel so good!
Dave564 Wrote:July 4th, 2009
2 days ago someone (who lives fairly local) contacted me through the site, he's offered a "no strings" meet to chat and possibly do more if I feel comfortable - we've exchanged pictures now, and I have to say I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time - we're meeting tonight.
Apologies for the very sudden and rushed post, but I haven't had access to a computer for a while.
Still listening to the file and loving it.
Dave564 Wrote:July 7th, 2009
Well it's been a while since I started this thread (well over a month I think) - the effects of CFG have been really noticeable the past 2 weeks or so.
Last saturday I met with a random guy from the internet, he had saw my posts and sent me a message, and we were chatting \ sharing photos for about 2 days before I had the courage to meet him.
Well I'm not sure how to put this, but it was just amazing.
He was a really nice polite and understanding guy, and he was true to his word and didn't try anything "funny", we basically sat in his living room and had a really good drink and chat - we probably spoke for about 5 hours, he seemed to totally understand the position I was in and all the questions and uncertainties I've had over the years. Towards the end of our chat where I think he could see me getting a little bit emotional he did put his hand on my arm and start to gently rub my leg, I knew as soon as he did it that I liked it and eventually mid conversation he moved in and interrupted me by kissing me, honestly it was just amazing.. I mean just godly.. I was in another world.. once we finished he'd pull away and I'd carry on chatting then a few minutes later he'd move in again, I probably made out with him about 5 times in total.
I just don't know what the hell is going on with me but I know I loved every minute of it, he had big strong arms, it felt unreal to have his tongue in my mouth, he smelt great when we were close and well it was just amazing - I really don't know what to say - such an incredible experience for me - I left and got the bus at home that night but my head was spinning and has pretty much been spinning since - I've not been able to concentrate at work or anything - we're still in touch as we have each others numbers.
A really amazing experience, I'm still listening to the file - at least twice since Saturday.
Dave564 Wrote:July 19th, 2009
I met him on monday night and all i can say is that it was a life changing experience.
I got to his house at about 8, I went in and we hugged and everything was cool, first thing he did was take me upstairs into his room, told me to lay on his bed - then he got out a big pair of headphones and put them on my head - then I couldn't believe it he played CFG!
He told me to relax and he went downstairs so i laid on his bed listening to it as usual, I was ok with it I still really enjoy the file, when I came out of trance he was sitting on the bed again and straight away we started hugging and kissing - it felt amazing just like last time as we were kissing he unbuttoned my shirt which was really getting me hot and then he took it off completely, at that point he stopped kissing and said that I needed to slip into something more comfortable, he got up and went to his wardrobe - then 5 seconds later came out with a t-shirt on a hangar, it was a really short and tight gay t-shirt, it was white and had a picture of a pop singer on the front, I have to be 100% honest at this point I just suddenly felt really confused and uncomfortable, I have no idea why just got really nervous - honestly I couldn't even breathe properly, he sat next to me and made me calm down, then I put my hands in the air and he slipped the shirt on me - it felt really weird, I've never worn anything so tight that had small sleeves and was cropped at the bottom - he just said it made me look gorgeous and that it really suited me - at that point we carried on kissing and all I can say is I started to feel so hot, I mean uncontrollably hot - it felt so good to be touching him and to have tongues in each others mouths, the shirt was tight i could feel it on me all the time - soon after we moved back downstairs and were making out on the sofas - I've just never felt this way in my life, it felt so gay but in the most out of control way imaginable - he put on some kind of dance music in background and we kissed, touched and wanked pretty much all night long- he also put a little choker around my neck, it was pink - and kind of buttoned up - it wasnt like a collar with a buckle, he just put it around my neck and it snapped into place really quickly it was rubbing on my adams apple - all these things were driving me crazy because I could feel them on me all the time - also the t-shirt started to totally make sense because it gave him easy access to my body, it was so short at the bottom he could easily slip his hand under and rub my nipples and feel me up - honestly it was wild, i've no idea how long it lasted for - I ended up staying around his that night, we slept together but nothing happened, it felt insane waking up next to another man the next morning - we kissed a bit then I had to go to work, he put the t-shirt i was wearing the night before in my bag so it's still round at mine now.
We've sent a few texts about that night this week.
All I can say right now is just wow, fucking wow.
Dave564 Wrote:July 21st, 2009
Yeah it's really exciting stuff, lots of learning and experimentation for me - but there's something really unpredictable and exciting about it all, never know what's going to happen next.
It's hard to tell what's happening to me, sometimes I think about women and can almost begin to feel turned on and then something happens and the feeling just suddenly drops away, leaving me wanting men so much.
Hopefully meet up with him again this weekend!
Dave564 Wrote:July 26th, 2009
Well I just got back from luke's, feeling exhausted but just so good, I stayed over on sat night and it was just the most amazing weekend.
I have to say I've been doing a LOT of thinking but right now I really do feel gay, more than I ever have in my entire life - it's always felt like a tendency before but now it feels overwhelming, like 100% full homosexuality, I;ve never felt like this before in my entire life, not for a single moment - when I'm with Luke he just does something to me I can not describe, but it's like every turn on I've ever had magnified so much - the kissing and touching is so good and it gets kinkier every weekend but above all I'm starting to really miss him the time I'm away - I think I'm falling in love.
Dave564 Wrote:September 26th, 2009
Hello everyone, wow well it's been a long while since I came on the website, the reason why I stopped posting is that Luke, the guy I met through the website had decided he'd rather I didn't go into every single detail of our private lives on a public forum - so I wanted to respect his wishes!
So I guess I should give an update, simply put I now feel completely homosexual, I'm in love with Luke and I plan to move in with him in just under 2 weeks time.
I can't ever imagine being straight, I have absolutely no feelings or interest in women and it's really difficult remembering how it felt to care about women because right now they aren't doing anything for me whatsoever.
Since our first meet, I've practically lived at Luke's every weekend since, and only recently I've decided to become his boyfriend, he makes me feel utterly amazing.
Quite a few things have changed, we go to the gym regularly now and on friday nights we occasionally go clubbing - something I'd never have done - he's taught me how to dance and have fun at clubs and things like that.
I dress quite differently when we're together and when we go out at night, he's definitely kinda gotten me into a new style but it feels normal now and I love it, also my taste in music has completely changed - I'm now totally into club and dance music - it feels fabulous to listen and dance to, I sold off my entire old music collection at a second hand shop last week!
On very specific occasions I've been out "gay" in public with him and it's felt amazing, once I've moved in we're going to discuss about how I should come out to everyone full-time, so I can dress and do what I like whenever I want, Ive been looking forward to it for months.
so that's basically it!
Oh yeah once I'm out of the closet I'm considering going blonde π
Dave564 Wrote:Oct 4th, 2009
Guys, I always said right from the off that while I considered myself 100% straight, I had always had curious thoughts - and it's just that I had never acted on them, I wasn't daring enough - and it was as simple as that really.
I should add that also I think people are missing the point a bit if they think this is all about sex, it's simply not true.
Of course, there's no doubt about the fact that we do it and that I do now enjoy gay sex, but what I really enjoy is the feeling of closeness and intimacy with another man - it's something that's had an overwhelmingly positive effect on my well being, and of course having my eyes and mind opened enough to embrace a completely new lifestyle - it's been just totally fabulous.
It's also been the first thing that seems to have shifted me out of the depression I've been feeling the last 3 years.
Dave564 Wrote:October 10th, 2009
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with liking men at all, in fact right now making the change has radically improved the quality of my life - and I am just utterly overjoyed with the new me π
By the way everyone I'm moving in next week - very excited about it!
I'm also going my hair done just before - also pretty exciting lol!
Then Luke and I are going to discuss our plans for me coming out - probably going to do it on facebook.
Does anyone here have any advice or experiences they would like to share on coming out?
Dave564 Wrote:October 22nd, 2009
As of last night - I'm officially living with the new love of my life π
Things are good!
Dave564 Wrote:October 24th, 2009
Thanks everyone so much for your support!
Things feel pretty incredible right now π
ftslave67, I've had blonde highlights done for the moment and I LOVE them, we're going to see how I go - but I think I might go fully blonde within a few weeks π
I "officially" came out last night, my phone hasn't stopped ringing since last night, I'm not sure what the reaction is - a lot of people are pretty confused - it's early days I guess - no one has been negative or nasty yet - 2 of my closest female friends are amazed and want to come and meet me today. My sister is the only member of my family that has contacted me and she seems to be pretty cool with it.
It's really weird - there are photos of me with Luke on facebook right now! we're kissing in some of them and I'm kinda sporting my new look \ outfits in some of them too - I hope people aren't too shocked when they see them today - Luke wants to upload videos of me LOL but I had to draw the line with that and stop him there π
Dave564 Wrote:August 10th, 2010
It's been nearly a year and a half i think!
I'm still gay of course lol
100% homosexual now, you could say I was assimilated if you like LOL but I wouldn't have it any other way because I love it π
I'm still with luke and we still live together, I'm out to my friends and family now - my sister is the only member of my family who stays in touch with me and most of my old friends don't want to know but honestly I don't care as lukes friends have welcomed me and i have a lot of new gay friends - REAL friends now.
I have a new job as a photography assistant at a fashion studio which i love.. it's so much fun and there are so many hot guys there lol.
I've changed quite a bit, I change my hair colour quite often lol - I'm blonde at the moment, I dress in the clothes and the styles that luke likes me too - I love the outfits he picks out, they are so freaking hot - we go clubbing every weekend and I'm 100% into pop, dance and techno music now.
lol anything else you wanna know hun?
To all the straight boys who are curious.. all I can say is.. go for it.. it's changed my life in ways i could not imagine.. I'm just so unbelievably happy now - the bottom line is, sex with men is just fucking amazing - and just being intimate with boys is better than any experience I ever had with a woman, I cannot tell you how amazing it is to be so close to a man that you can smell him as you kiss him.. to have his tongue in your mouth.. being pushed against a wall, having his hands explore your body underneath your t-shirt.. it's just utterly amazing, and still so special to me over a year after my first ever experience - you just need to accept the file, and let go.. allow your mind to open and broaden your horizons - once you experience it I will guarantee you will never go back lol
Also.. something else thats sooooo cool... so many old school friends have been in touch on facebook congratulating me for my change - so many of them I had no idea were gay lol!
but best of all... is that one of my ex-close friends has secretly been in touch and is totally fascinated with me - i know he's a very curious boy π
Luke and I are talking to him on e-mail at the moment, god we'd love to have him over so badly - I'm sure we could have some real fun and make a few changes lol
yeah it's just fantastic.. I just can't imagine ever being straight again - I would never want to go back to that life.
ps. you should try listening to it during sex - it's so wild lol
(This post was last modified: 11 Oct 2024, 14:15 by Like Ra.)
(This post was last modified: 13 Oct 2024, 00:08 by Like Ra.)
(This post was last modified: 13 Oct 2024, 00:08 by Like Ra.)