I saw an advert for this website and it piqued my interest. Their items are quite expensive and certainly not very pretty to look at which hopefully means all the value is in the performance. Apparently you choose from one of 3 main control boxes and add expansions to it as needed. The main control boxes are apparently just estim control and output, so a waveform generator and the amplifier to make it tingle on your skin appropriately (estim). The add on boxes daisy chain with a phone cord (What's that???) Sorry... they daisy chain with a 4 wire RJ11 cord, like a network cable but smaller. Looks like you can add additional estim channels, vibrator expansion, generic relays and dimmers (like light dimmers). If I am interpreting their information correctly, the main box has the waveform generator that runs all the devices you daisy chain off of it. If you buy the add on "estim pod", it would run from the waveforms generated by the main unit rather than having it's own waveforms built in. The main unit probably has close to the same stuff as erostek does (sine wave, sawtooth wave, music input, etc). It looks like you can daisy chain like 14 devices off of the main one and apparently the addons have their own channel designations that are set at the factory.
As much as like fetish technology, I'd probably buy this at some point.
I saw an advert for this website and it piqued my interest. Their items are quite expensive and certainly not very pretty to look at which hopefully means all the value is in the performance. Apparently you choose from one of 3 main control boxes and add expansions to it as needed. The main control boxes are apparently just estim control and output, so a waveform generator and the amplifier to make it tingle on your skin appropriately (estim). The add on boxes daisy chain with a phone cord (What's that???) Sorry... they daisy chain with a 4 wire RJ11 cord, like a network cable but smaller. Looks like you can add additional estim channels, vibrator expansion, generic relays and dimmers (like light dimmers). If I am interpreting their information correctly, the main box has the waveform generator that runs all the devices you daisy chain off of it. If you buy the add on "estim pod", it would run from the waveforms generated by the main unit rather than having it's own waveforms built in. The main unit probably has close to the same stuff as erostek does (sine wave, sawtooth wave, music input, etc). It looks like you can daisy chain like 14 devices off of the main one and apparently the addons have their own channel designations that are set at the factory.
As much as like fetish technology, I'd probably buy this at some point.