Bad Temptations

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Imagine, you are working in a shop that sells any goods, except that some items are on your fetish menu, lets say tights or leotards, no perfect quality, but good looking, appealing. You know that the stock numbers are a bit beyond control, deviations are discovered every other day. You would not ask the shop keeper to sell them to you because you have no good excuse. And for the very same reason, it would be hard to buy them elsewhere.

Now the question, and I would really appreciate honest answers. How would you handle such a situation. Would it be very tempting to you or not at all. Considering that nobody would notice, would you perhaps even take the chance?

I have been in such a situation for a few days and it wasn't funny. The opportunity kept nagging me whenever I was alone, it almost grew up to an obsession and I made silly mistakes because of that. I don't want to experience this again. Actually, similar items weren't too hard to get over the internet, I would even walk into a shop for buying them, but seeing them right in front of me, an armlength away, that was trouble. Frankly speaking, over a longer period of time, I don't know what I would do.
(This post was last modified: 14 Jul 2010, 19:57 by Strappado.)
Hi Strappado

For myself? I'd always be honest and buy the objects.

I recognise the fear you felt when thinking about asking the shop keeper if you could purchase those objects and once I did feel too ashamed to do it. But I realised that to the person selling them, it was just a sale... money in the bank and profit.

Now and again I will still come out with a story about '..for my girlfriend...' or similar, but most people simply don't care who you're buying it for... just give them the MONEY!

Once, when I brought my first black lycra catsuit, the teenage boy behind the counter simply wouldn't serve me! But the middle aged lady there was much more helpful and even asked if i wanted to check the size was OK before I paid! (Needless to say I declined, paid up and fled!!!!!)

These days the internet is such an easy way to buy all my fun things I rarely go to the stores. I still look for those bargains though - just last month I purchased a packed of 'knee-highs' from ALDI. They are superb for encasing your head and hands/arms and theprice was too good to miss out on.

My advice is to do what's right - life's too short to spend it getting into avoidable trouble. If the occasional person thinks you're 'odd' then,so what?

I'd rather be an individual than another brain dead moron who is led like a sheep by those who claim to be our moral superiors (who are the same people who make millions out of banks and global companies, who think it's OK to rape a company of all it's worth and then close it, who preach their own ideal morals whilst seeing nothing wrong with whipping a woman and indulging in Nazi fantasies or cover up horrific acts with children)..... oh-oh think I'm starting to rant!😡Blush

Anyway - you get the picture

Play safe

I have been in a similar situation, restocking the tights at a local supermarket. The thought had crossed my mind once or twice.

I never did though, wasn't worth my job and I'm not a theif. If your fear of buying something and being labled weird is enough to put you off then being called weird and a theif must be worse.

Even if you know people are wrong to call you weird they won't be when they label you a criminal.

Like has been said, the internet means you can get what ever you Want with anonymity so no fear... unless you have a secret to hide From tor girlfriend.

Also remember that tights are good for keeping dust out of computers, the cat suit is for a fancy dress, latex socks keep your feet dry, the swimsuit is for your girlfriend and the lube goes to the automated checkout.
I bet this is not the "shame case", but exactly as Strappado titled the post - "temptation" to get something for free. I've been in that situation many-many years ago. I bought quite a lot and stuffed a pair or two extra stockings and pantyhose into boxes with similar stockings or pantyhose. I called it "a discount".

I was not caught, but I wouldn't do that again. Out of my own experience I know that I will pay for it later. Probably in a completely different way. And it will cost me more than I would have paid for the goods.

Even earlier when I was something about 13 I was thinking about stealing a one-piece swimsuit from a clothes line. That was a completely different case, because at that age I had no possibility to get or buy a swimsuit. I did not steal it, BTW.

Nowadays, you can find lots of cheap "fetish objects" in the Internet, discount shops or chains like Lidl, Decathlon, Kaufland.

Nevertheless, the temptation is still here, I know. But this is what the nature is about 😉
It is not exactly the temptation to get something for free. I can pay for stuff that I want - not everything but a lot, certainly everything I could have grabbed during my job. It is rather like pheromones flooding the air from a specific object. In such moments, I definitely want that object and have to say a very clear "no" to myself.
Ah, this is what you are talking about. What is the difference between your job/shop and, say, another dance/tights/fetish shop? Same pheromones?
The big difference is the time I spent in this shop working. And while in fetish shops there are a lot of things to see, in that shop, there were only a few interesting items and each time I entered, I remembered that they were there.
Just like pretty women 😉
A lesser son of greater fathers perhaps, but I am not yet without honour...

If I want a fetish item I buy it.