A fetish Pinball machine???

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 8B4C699D-CABE-43B5-AC34-8F585E611592.png     8154B4F5-C075-42E8-864A-29E6E3022970.png     BB35EB6C-B3CB-406B-8F26-EFC4483A1270.png    Yes, there is a fetish pinball out there somewhere.
Made by Capcom in the late 90s. Capcom made 7 pinball machines. 6 went into production, the last one, called Zingy Dingy never got out of the pre prototype stage. There were only two of these Pinballs made. The only pictures we have of zingy Dingy came from a Poloroide camera.
But a few pictures of a digital format so one may still be out there.