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Full Version: What do you think of orgasms?
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What do you all think of orgasms? How often do you need orgasms? Do you need them at all?

As you can see the questions overlap and I specifically did not mention "nofap" to avoid getting into even more details, like "sex is OK, masturbation is not", etc.

Please propose other variants for the poll!

Related threads, posts:

Orgasm calendar and your "Last orgasm"
(05 Nov 2017, 07:59 )krinlyc Wrote: [ -> ]Poor guy
It depends 😉

(05 Nov 2017, 07:59 )krinlyc Wrote: [ -> ]What did you do?
Lots of things happened. In short, orgasm became not interesting, but rather energy draining, disappointing and distracting. Did you notice how you loose interest after ejaculation? I prefer an "extended" light arousal state instead.
(05 Nov 2017, 07:59 )krinlyc Wrote: [ -> ]Are you wearing chastity device?
No 😉 Various practices (yoga and qigong are among them) are very effective, I must say.

It's an experiment anyway, not "the recipe" that "fits all". A series of posts is in the planning phase 😉
may be I am bit nosy - but does your wife live in chastity too?
(06 Nov 2017, 09:52 )krinlyc Wrote: [ -> ]does your wife live in chastity too?
Not quite 😉 Orgasms for her are more important, than for me. A sort of a logical ending. I prefer to keep the state of arousal 😉
Here's a new poll!
Isn't it all a bit simplistic? My views on orgasms have changed enormously over the past couple of years though whether this is chiefly due to lock-downs or my ageing I really can't say...
I feel the need to orgasm much less but when I do cum it's a lot more intense. The fetish aspect of my costumes is still there and I love it immensely  but it's more of a long-term edging thing.
(11 Mar 2021, 00:03 )Culmor Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't it all a bit simplistic?
Please feel free to make it as complex as possible. The poll is just something to start the discussion with 😊

(11 Mar 2021, 00:03 )Culmor Wrote: [ -> ]My views on orgasms have changed enormously over

(11 Mar 2021, 00:03 )Culmor Wrote: [ -> ]I feel the need to orgasm much less
Same. I actually prefer to avoid orgasms. Some random thoughts here:

- Orgasm for the sake of orgasm is not interesting. Rather boring. Just a dopamine rush followed by a dopamine dip with all the consequences.

- Constant arousal, associated erection, and inability to release yourself sounds like more fun. Usually orgasms break meditation, trances, concentration states.

- Orgasms can be used to move energy where you want/need (think of yoga/qigong).

- Orgasm as a reward (like a typical dopamine effect) is good for conditioning.

Otherwise, unless used wisely (not just for 2-3 seconds of fun), I think of orgasms as of a waste of vital energy, especially if you concentrate on anything "random" (e.g. pron) and not your own body, or your goal.
I somewhat dread the moment I orgasm, I know it's going to feel fantastic, but at the same time that sudden release of energy drains all of the other senses and leaves me ko'ed for a while. I definitely enjoy the 'journey' of reaching the limit more, then it becomes fun to try and stay on the edge as much as possible.

I also haven't met someone who plainly dislikes orgasms...
Not the sort of thing I thought I'd like at all but Princess Lexie's timings here were perfect for me. I just about lost it and was almost screaming at her by the end.


This is why I don't do hypnosis.
(11 Mar 2021, 09:19 )Culmor Wrote: [ -> ]was almost screaming at her by the end.
It's clearly titled "Edging Instruction" 😁

(11 Mar 2021, 09:19 )Culmor Wrote: [ -> ]This is why I don't do hypnosis.
😁 I like one comment under an ASMR video - "It's amazing how much trust we have in ASMR artists - they can scream at any time" 😁
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