Hi guys, unfortunately after searching like crazy I can't seem to find a piece of gear that I do not know the name of. There's two cuffs that go on each upper arm, connected by a strap. In the middle of the strap is a perpendicular strap that connects to a very wide cuff and is worn like a box tie (any variation of this is fine). I remember seeing a cheap one on ebay or amazon a while ago but couldn't find it (i don't think i'd trust a cheap one anyway). Any ideas?
the best i can find is a digital painting of something similar:
I don't think you can find one of these.
Somewhere in here is a full discription of the outfit. There is a thread about the locking device, how it's made and a story about the girl and the suit.
I know of 4 pictures of this girl. Leotard and no gag, leotard with gag, catsuit with no gag and catsuit with gag.
Now, to continue, there is a way to make something like this, one verson is from a lady that makes a self bondage harnesses. With a little coaxing, she just might make one for you. But it will cost you.
I've been thinking on how make a binder myself. In in hen scratch right now.
Spank suit or dress. And yes, they do show up on eBay once in a while.
I want to say that Mizfits in the UK had them for a while, but that was quite a while back. Not sure if they have them anymore.
But that's all I can remember about the suit.
I'm sure that honour in the U.K. Had them in the past.
Libidex's 'De Sade' skirt and dress are in a similar style though longer.
It seems I'm not allowed to attach more than one pic to a post now...
(04 Feb 2017, 08:53 )culmor Wrote: [ -> ]It seems I'm not allowed to attach more than one pic to a post now...
Hmmm... working OK for me, but I notice that the 'thumb previews' that appeared a week ago have gone again?