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Google has just OpenSourced the neural network they use for deep learning:

Research Blog: TensorFlow - Google’s latest machine learning system, open sourced for everyone

They listed the reasons why they did that, but OTOH, everything that was donated to the Apache Software Foundation slowly dies (e.g. OpenOffice, SPDY).

TensorFlow is a good competitor to Caffe ( Caffe | Deep Learning Framework ). Let's see if new ideas and free opensource implementations will appear in the nearest future.

Meanwhile, if some stumbles upon a free NN training data set or an interesting NN implementation - let me know 😉
I confess that I'm still cool on the AI chatterbot concept, but I love the idea of an AI robot to interact with (of course strict safety protocols are a must)

I am constantly re-imaging Miyuki and how she might look

[attachment=16862] - she's lovely 💓

I imagine something like Hatsune Miku:


Knowing little about networks and stuff,
Neutral networks is something I've tinkered with a few years ago.
But I'm afraid I just couldn't quite get the hang of it.
Ok, I did something like what your doing now, but way back in the mid 90s, I did work on an AI project that produced a routine based on items you had in your toy chest. The program then told you what to wear, what toys to use and how to use them.
At the end, you have enter feedback to the program by entering numbers 1 to 5. 1 is less licked and 5 is most liked.
The computer would save this data for the next session. Now, the computer uses a type of number sequencer or RNG that the early slot machines used.

Ok, it wasn't the greatest program, and it did gobble up data space before crashing, but the idea work. To a point.

But, that was then.
The Japanese (always!) have made the next step:

(19 Dec 2015, 23:44 )Like Ra Wrote: [ -> ]The Japanese (always!) have made the next step:

very interesting - especially the fact that both robots are identical and it is only the hair and 'cosmetics' that make one male and the other female.

I did find the near identical movements of the robots weird and ever so slightly un-nerving Confused

(20 Dec 2015, 09:23 )madjack Wrote: [ -> ]I did find the near identical movements of the robots weird
Did you notice that the robots were copying the operator, who was sitting in front of the camera? Hence the identical movements. That was one of the goals of this experiment - artificial empathy.
Looks like 2016 will be the year of AI. Here's the latest news.

Good news: the next step (after Google) has been made by Yahoo:

"Yahoo Releases the Largest-ever Machine Learning Dataset for Researchers"

(Bookmarking another dataset repository: )

Bad news: "Program O" site has died (along with some good test examples).

Good news: there is a new PHP/MySQL based chat program, called JxBot, that partially supports AIMLv2 (but does not have some nice features of Prpgram O). I haven't tested it yet, but based on the description and reactions on, it looks promising.

I will test it with my datasets when I have time 😉
As great as the two robots look, they are freaky. They lack warmth, trust and appeared to express a low opinion of us Humans. I think, that a little work around mouth, cheeks and a bit undesirable the eyes could be an improvement. The bow at the end looks to be that they are top heavy and that the mechanism need to compensate the weight of the head and upper chest.
I would like a chance to work with one of these.

(19 Dec 2015, 23:44 )Like Ra Wrote: [ -> ]The Japanese (always!) have made the next step:
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