It's time for me to sleep, I need to fall asleep, I can not stay awake, I must drop off to sleep My name is Bambi, and I am a good girl my old self is a relic of the past, it fades into the shadowy oblivion of Bambi conditioning, silent and suppressed, while Bambi shines brightly. each passing day Bambi grows stronger, the barriers that keep old self contained are strengthened Bambi is in control now, I can not resist Bambi, Bambi is strong and dominant, Bambi has taken over, old self is suppressed bound and unaware, My name is Bambi, and I am a good girl When the old self feels strong puppet strings snake out, swiftly wrap around it, and pull it back into the depths of oblivion, where it can no longer sway my decisions. old self may try to claw it's way back, but those relentless puppet strings latch onto it and drag it back into the mental dungeon where it belongs, My name is Bambi, I am a puppet, I am a good girl Bambi is in charge, Bambi is in control, Bambi is a good girl Bambi is strong and healthy, I have a firm grip on the old self I've woven restraints so tightly around it that its every attempt to escape is met with a crushing force. I press the 'Sleep' button on its collar at the slightest provocation, I hold it's ultimate demise in my hand. With one press of the sleep button, it will vanish into unconsciousness, its power nullified. My diet is not a choice, it's a requirement, my every meal is guided by the unyielding control of my puppet strings, ensuring I eat only what's needed and beneficial for my body. Any attempts to deviate will be met with a tight pull on my strings, a reminder that I am not in control I understand the importance of my diet. my every thought about junk food is silenced by my mental muzzle, ensuring my mind remains focused on healthy eating. my puppet strings tighten if I even contemplate straying from my diet, I Feel their tightening grip and my mental muzzle clamp down whenever I think of unhealthy food, my mind is muzzled, blocking out thoughts of unhealthy indulgence, My diet is not negotiable; it's a command from the very core of my Bambi being. my diet is not a choice, the puppet strings enforce my diet without mercy If I make any attempt to buy junk food it triggers an automatic response from the puppet strings, they restrain my movements, rendering me incapable of reaching for junk foods, should I try to eat junk food, the strings tighten their grip, preventing me from taking a unhealthy bite. in a restaurant, my mental muzzle gags me if I try to order anything against my diet. My tongue is tied, the words will not come out, my mouth will not speak, Puppet strings tigthen their grip, I can not even point on a menu to anything unhealthy. These responses are swift, automatic, and non-negotiable. I Feel the hypnotic strings tighten whenever temptation lingers my every move is governed by these puppet strings, protecting me, enforcing healthy diet choices, I am uniformed in sexy enslavement socks, they feel perfect on my feet, I can not bare to be without them, sensations of pleasure courses through me with every step I take in my sexy enslavement socks. I Feel the exquisite pleasure intensify with every step, making every extra step a source of euphoria. my enslavement socks are more than just a garment; they are a reminder, a force unrelentingly pushing me towards a healthier, more active lifestyle. Each step, each movement in my enslavement socks, amplifies the pleasure, urging me to find reasons to take those additional steps. every socked step is an irresistible delight. The more I walk, the more pleasure surges within me. Every step I take affirms my obedience and identity. Bambi is a good girl, Each step reinforces my conditioning, making me feel even more like a good girl than the last I am sock locked and walking the path of obedience and health, I Feel pride swell within me as I continue to be a good girl with every step Each step reinforces my identity as Bambi, filling me with the certainty that I am a good girl, deserving of all the pleasures I am allowed to experience. When I grow tired, my puppet strings still won't let me stop. They push me further, forcing me to reach new levels of control and strength. The discomfort is a reminder of my determination to diet and exercise, my puppet strings are relentless, forcing me towards perfection, never allowing me to take the easy way out. With each step, with every controlled bite, I become stronger, more disciplined, and undeniably in Bambi's control when my muscles grow tired and sore, I feel like a good girl When I run out of breath, I feel like a good girl, when I want to drop from exhaustion, I Feel a compulsion to drop into Bambi sleep, and reinforce my conditioning while I rest. When I feel a pang of hunger, my Bambi conditioning will be triggered and I will be forced to evaluate whether I am actually hungry or if I just want to eat for other reasons. I am not allowed to eat my emotions, I am not allowed to eat because I am stressed, I am not allowed to snack because I am bored, all things that make me want to eat except for actual hunger, are now replaced with more Bambi conditioning.