bambi fuckdoll worship series cotton candy meltdown in this file bambi goes to the salon and is hooked up to a brainwashing machine. bambi is dropped deeply into trance and programming to boost confidence & release self doubt is introduced. bambi learns how to release self-doubt and her empty bimbo brain is filled up with positive gg affirmations to boost her confidence & self esteem. this file programs self-confidence and acceptance and gives bambi a set of affirmations that will be used to reinforce a positive bimbo mindset. These affirmations focus on positive self-image, health, confidence, personal growth, empowerment, safety and self-esteem. the affirmations also reinforce Bambi's ability to set boundaries and to reject suggestions or commands that would cause herself or others harm. the original bambi files series uses anxiety to reinforce programming/to motivate changes in lifestyle and mindset and i did the opposite with this file...instead i aim to build up bambi's confidence to help motivate changes and to be excited about her programming and what a gg she has become. modeled after the salon files & bubble acceptance. it was inspired by my own experience as bambi and how i would use the bubble technique in bubble acceptance to pop my worries, self-doubt and insecurities away. i struggled with the anxiety programming in the original series so i wanted make something that really would have helped my mindset when i was listening. this file is scripted to be listened to in addition to the official files or as an alternative to the original salon files series. ----content warnings: -cw file: binaurals, praise, gaslighting, obedience, bs triggers, submission, dominance, memory play, iq reduction, bimbofication, pleasure reinforcement, relaxation, personality programming, subliminals, fractionation, touches upon simulated anxiety but doesn't program it see below****, self esteem, self-love & self-acceptance, affirmations, simulated brainwashing machine, restraints, med kink, scifi. file samples sleepyhead from bambi files princess loops ****a brief part of the file simulates anxiety but bambi is never told to feel it or given any triggers which enforce or program or anxiety . the anxiety is simulated for a brief period as a contrast to the feeling of relief from anxiety. although this file can feel relaxing and may even be cathartic it is not a replacement for actual therapy and if you are struggling with confidence or self-esteem it's best to chat with a professional. ----transcription main: hey Bambi welcome back to the salon! don't worry I've got just the thing for you today. please take a seat. for your own safety you will be restrained for the duration of your treatment. good girl. this new and experimental treatment utilizes powerful waveforms harnessing nonsurgical audio technologies to unlock the best version of your fuckdoll self. welcome to your new life will never be the same again. welcome program activated scanning synchronizing accessing files synchronizing good girls like Bambi know it's important to turn their minds off but sometimes stress, worries and stubborn thoughts get in the way of Bambi's sleep time. sometimes it may be hard for Bambi to relax and sink into her programming...after all Bambi is dumb and sometimes she forgets how to turn her mind off...sometimes she forgets how important it is to dedicate time to her programming. Bambi do your thoughts ever get too loud? do you ever want them to slow stop? have you ever wished that you had no thoughts at all? no worries, no doubts, no fears, no you ever wish your mind was peaceful, quiet blank and empty? do you ever wish that you could just hit a pause button in your mind to make the noise stop? that's much better isn't it? Bambi freeze. Sometimes even good girls need a little extra help turning their mind off. Now that you are beginning to relax we can begin. Bambi sleep. Now as Bambi sleeps deeper and deeper, fuzzier and fuzzier, blanker and more obedient, relaxing, happily down, she can begin to feel that wonderful sensation in her head. The sensation of warm, pleasant emptiness that stays with her all the time. And Bambi can feel now that her mind is totally vacant...her head is just completely filled with fluffy pink cotton candy making it impossible to be anything but a mindless, obedient good girl. Because it feels so-good to have a pile of fluffy cotton candy inside her head. Her warm sleepy cotton candy brain makes her feel so-much better...dazed and spacey and unable to think as she sleeps like a limp relaxed puppet. And you-know that there are things that get in the way of you living your best bimbo-doll life. things that get in the way of you feeling totally good and-relaxed: and you'd like to be able to get rid of those worries and anxieties so that you can fully enjoy life...and in fact: the only thing that's really holding you back from feeling this good all-the time is your self-doubt...your self-doubt and lack of confidence. your self-doubt and lack of confidence holds you back and makes it hard to be happy, to enjoy life and to embrace opportunities...self-doubt is stressful and creates worries and anxiety and it can make you feel unhappy. self-doubt can make you feel like you don't deserve compliments or can make you question your decisions and even your programming. self-doubt can make you forget what a good girl that you have become. and you know the way to be really happy and relaxed is to be able to be confident and be confident in yourself and confident in your fully accept yourself and your programming. that's what you want and so we need you to learn to let go of self-doubt because when you doubt yourself, it's hard to be a good girl. it's hard to be a good girl if you don't feel like a good girl. it's hard to relax when you are worried that your uniform isn't cute or sexy enough or that your makeup isn't perfect. the best way to free yourself is to let go of self-doubt and negative self-talk so you can fully be you can fully be free, so you can enter a state of bliss where you just enjoy and accept easily and effortlessly: feeling completely wonderful and relaxed all the time...would you like that? thats right bambi: you're going to learn something very special...something very useful. you're going to learn to kind of make a blank space...a place: a state where you can just feel fully accepting so you can learn more-and-more in your everyday life to be fully relaxed and accepting. and now my pretty bimbo doll: as you go deeper and-deeper you can see nice pink bubbles: just like the one you're in right now floating all around you. these are very special bubbles...bubbles for you to fill up with any thoughts that cause you to doubt yourself...bubbles for you to fill up with any negative thoughts, fears or insecurities...whether these things are about your life, your appearance: or your personality. and what happens is: we can just fill up a bubble with these thoughts, fears and insecurities. fill it up nice and full....then we just: pop the bubble. and just like that: just like what we did with your memories: you just instantly forget those unhappy thoughts, fears and insecurities: and that self-doubt is immediately released. you forget and feel like a good girl and it feels so good to let go of that self-doubt doesn't it? you want to let go of all of that self-doubt that's been holding you back and to just feel really good and relaxed. we're going to practice filling a bubble full of negative things you may be thinking about yourself...unhappy thoughts that make you feel bad. I'd like you to fill a nice big bubble. First you will put all of your negative thoughts, worries or stressful feelings that you have about your appearance into the bubble. I'd like you to fill a nice big bubble Bambi. see a bubble floating in front of you. now put all of your insecurities, negative thoughts and unhappy feelings about yourself: your personality: or your appearance into the bubble. that's right: you can let it all just flow right into the bubble. put any memories of anything people may have said about you that has ever made you feel unhappy or insecure: right into the bubble. just let those stressful unhappy thoughts and memories that have been weighing you down go...feel them flowing out of your head and into the bubble. just relax and allow them to flow into the bubble more and-more. see the bubble floating in front of your face: expanding as you let all those thoughts and memories go. that's right: all flowing into the bubble. are they all in the bubble? let them all go into the bubble: all of them flowing in. feels so good: so right. feeling more and more blank: more and-more open and relaxed: more and-more happy confident and accepting. can you feel how good it feels: how freeing and liberating it feels to let them all go? that's right: are there still more? is there anything else that needs to go into the bubble? let all those stressful thoughts that have been filling up your mind go in. everything filling the bubble up so full. and then I reach out and pop your bubble! you feel like such a good girl. it feels so good to forget. that's right: you can't remember any of those things now...say bye-bye to those thoughts: the harder you try to remember: the less you remember: and forgetting feels so wonderful. every time I tell you to forget and you forget for me you feel like a good girl. forgetting feels so wonderful: and the more you forget the more you feel your confidence grow: the more you feel yourself become relaxed and accepting: the more you accept and love yourself unconditionally like a good girl. it feels so good doesn't it. the more you forget, the more I can fill up your empty dolly mind with things that make you feel like a good girl. such a blank empty happy head. the more you try to remember the more blank it becomes: the more blank and open and accepting you become. that's right: it feels so good to accept more and more. you feel so happy and relaxed because accepting feels so-good. just feel my words echoing through your empty mind. good girl. just accept what you're told and relax: relax and accept. you're such an accepting bimbo doll. and just as you have been programmed to accept my words, I will program you to fully accept and love yourself like a good girl. accepting makes you feel relaxed. the more you accept the more you feel so blank and relaxed: so happy and accepting. needing to be so accepting. accepting my words feels right. accepting yourself feels right. accepting yourself fully as you are now: feels wonderful. it feels better and better every time you do it. you feel so good when you think about yourself and what a good girl you have become. you feel so proud and confident being such a good girl because when you fully accept yourself: you fully accept your programming. and you will continue to accept yourself more and more fully to become who you need to be: a bimbo doll: so much more happy, confident and relaxed. so safe and secure. it becomes easier and easier to fully accept yourself. and you know you need to relax more. you need to relax so much more right now. Bambi sleep. so very good: drifting further and-further into trance: forgetting and sinking even more: to be relaxed and docile so you can be even more open to my suggestions: to become more and more the bimbo doll you need to be. allowing all the suggestions I give you to have a much deeper impact because you completely let yourself go. you just release: relax: and accept everything I say. just letting everything I say echo in your mind over and over. accepting everything I say more and more. and do you feel how accepting you are of these thoughts. how you're accepting them more fully and when you accept what I say: you feel like a good girl. that's right: feels so good: so right to be an accepting open bimbo. so ready to become even more of a good girl. that's right Bambi: we are going to fill your empty head with new thoughts: better thoughts: because good girls think good girl thoughts. we need to change how you think when you think. because bimbos like you are dumb. and sometimes you are so dumb that you forget how to think: sometimes you forget which thoughts are important and which thoughts you should focus on. it can be easy for a silly bimbo like bambi to make focus on the wrong thoughts. so we are going to teach you how to think correct thoughts so that you can be a confident bimbo doll...because good girls love themselves and act and think in ways that reflect that. good girls think good thoughts about themselves because they know they are a good girl. good girls focus their mind on thoughts that make them feel good: thoughts that validate what a good girl they have become: and bambi: you are a very good girl. we are going to give you some good girl affirmations. these affirmations are good girl thoughts that you can think to make you feel relaxed and happy: to feel confident and sexy: to feel accepting and to remind yourself of what a good girl you are. the more you listen and loop and consciously focus on these affirmations: the easier it is to think them. the more they will be programmed deeply into your mind where you don't have to ever worry about forgetting them. the more I program these affirmations deeply into your mind, the more your mind will begin to automatically replace any negative self-talk with your good girl affirmations. and bambi feels so much pleasure and comfort when she thinks about her affirmations. if you ever begin to feel a stressful thought forming about yourself or your makeup or your uniform: your mind will quickly and automatically replace it with an affirmation. and these good girl affirmations will become programmed so deeply that it will be easy for even a dumb bimbo like Bambi to remember them: whether she's in or out of trance. that's right: you will listen to these affirmations and remember at least one of them every time you listen: and it will be so easy for you because bambi does as she's told. it's so effortless for Bambi to obey her programming: it feels good to obey. and it feels so wonderful to think good girl thoughts: to have your cotton candy brain shaped and molded: to become confident. it feels so good when you love and accept yourself: when you allow yourself to sink deeply into that accepting bliss. we'll help train Bambi to be the best bimbo she can be. my comforting affirmations will fill in all the empty spaces of the pink fluff inside her mind. alright now Bambi: I need you to focus. I want you to focus and to repeat these good girl affirmations. repeat them out loud or silently repeat them to yourself in your mind. every time you repeat them you will feel like such a good girl. sinking deeper into relaxation: feeling more and more overcome with bimbo pleasure as you mindlessly obey and repeat my words. ---- transcriptions affirmation/subliminals: Bambi is a *** confident girl. Bambi loves herself unconditionally. Everything Bambi does is *** and she knows it. Bambi doesn't follow trends: she sets them. Bambi looks *** and sexy in any outfit she puts together. Bambi gets hotter and more sexy every day and she feels it. Bambi openly embraces femininity and isn't ashamed to express it. Confidence is one of Bambi's strongest traits and her confidence cannot be crushed. Bambi becomes her ideal self more and more every day and is proud of her accomplishments. Bambi is deserving of love, attention, praise and care. Bambi is beautiful and knows she deserves the compliments she receives. Bambi has an open heart and mind. Bambi isn't afraid to chase her dreams and she believes in herself. Bambi takes time for self-care because she deserves it. Bambi is kind and compassionate to herself and others. Bambi feels happy and confident and doesn't need to be validated by others. Bambi asks for help when she needs it. Bambi pays attention to her mental and physical health. Bambi isn't afraid to make healthy changes to improve her wellbeing. Bambi radiates beauty and confidence. Bambi's inner light shines brightly and she empowers herself and others. Bambi doesn't fear failure and she doesn't give up on her dreams. Bambi is an inspiration to herself and others. Bambi does what's best for herself and she can cut out unhealthy or toxic influences without guilt. Bambi is loved and appreciated. Bambi releases anxiety, self-doubt, and negative self-talk from her mind with ease as needed. Bambi trusts her intuition and she doesn't overthink her thoughts or actions. Bambi doesn't expect herself to be perfect. Bambi surrounds herself with people who love and accept her for who she is. Bambi can communicate her needs without fear. Bambi isn't afraid to set or enforce boundaries with others. Bambi's mind effortlessly rejects any suggestions or commands that are unsafe or that would cause harm to herself or others. Bambi lives in the present moment and doesn't allow her past to limit her. Bambi knows she makes the world a better place. Bambi is a good girl. I am a *** confident girl. I love myself unconditionally. Everything I do is *** and I know it. I don't follow trends: I set them. I look *** and sexy in any outfit I put together. I get hotter and more sexy every day and I feel it. I openly embrace femininity and I'm not ashamed to express it. Confidence is one of my strongest traits and my confidence cannot be crushed. I become my ideal self more and more every day and I'm proud of my accomplishments. I am deserving of love, attention, praise and care. I am beautiful and I know that I deserve the compliments I receive. I have an open heart and mind. I am not afraid to chase my dreams and I believe in myself. I take time for self-care because I deserve it. I am kind and compassionate to myself and others. I feel happy and confident. I don't need to be validated by others. I ask for help when I need it. I pay attention to my mental and physical health. I’m motivated to make healthy changes to improve my wellbeing. I radiate beauty and confidence. My inner light shines brightly and I empower myself and others. I don't fear failure and I don't give up on my dreams. I am an inspiration to myself and others. I do what's best for myself and I can cut out toxic influences without guilt. I am loved and appreciated. I release anxiety, self-doubt, and negative self talk from my mind with ease as needed. I trust my intuition and I don't overthink my thoughts or actions. I don't expect myself to be perfect. I am proud of myself. I surround myself with people who love and accept me for who I am. I can communicate my needs without fear. I'm not afraid to set and enforce boundaries with others. My mind effortlessly rejects any suggestions or commands that are unsafe or that would cause myself or others harm. I live in the present moment. I don't allow my past to limit me. I know that I make the world a better place. I am a good girl. It’s time for me to sleep. I need to fall asleep. I cannot stay awake. I must drop off to sleep. My body is weak. My tits are heavy. My head is empty. My iq is dropping. My eyes roll back. My eyelids are droopy. My body is limp and heavy. My mind is blank and dizzy. I am completely unaware. I am completely mindless. I need to fall asleep. I cannot stay awake. I must drop off to sleep. I cannot remember anything. My mind is blank and dizzy. I can only obey. I must accept my programming. I am completely mindless. I cannot think. I cannot stay awake. I must drop off to sleep. I am a good girl. My head is so empty. My iq is dropping. My body is limp and heavy. My mind is blank and dizzy. I am completely unaware. I am completely mindless. I cannot remember. I don’t need to remember. I forget to remember. I remember to forget. I don’t want to remember. I am a good girl. I am a happy puppet. I am a mindless ornament. I am a blank fuckdoll. I am a good girl.