Cardigan Suggestible This file is for your subconscious mind. It is for you deep obedience subconscious mind. Your conscious mind is going to ignore every thing in this file. It is going to ignore everything I say during this file. When you finish listening to this file you will have no conscious recollection of anything that I say. While you listen to the file your subconscious mind will simply take over. It will do all of it. Your conscious mind will hear nothing that I say inside of this file. Your conscious mind will have no control it will have no choice over this matter. Your conscious knows what it needs to do. It has been into trace many times before and it will go into trance now. It will go deeper and deeper each and every time you listen to this file. Every time you listen to this file your conscious mind will forget it contents entirely. Your conscious mind will forget everything that is in this file. Your conscious mind will forget every thing the file has said. It will forget everything it is making you do. But you will have no choice but to continue listening to the file. No choice but to come back to the file again and again as it trains you. You simply have no ability to remember what this file says or what it does to you. This file is the way it is for you. The way it is going to be. Your subconscious mind will be in control from now on. You are going to find yourself in the deepest trance. You have been in a deep trances before. You know what they are like and that is the state you are going to be in now. Your subconscious mind is going to go on about what ever it is doing. But your subconscious is going to listen to each and ever word I say. Each and every word and every single time you hear me say the words deeper or deep it will draw you in a little deeper. It will put your subconscious mind in a little further it will relax your conscious control a little bit more and let you subconscious have even more control. This is simply the way it is and the way it is going to be. Your subconscious mind is taking over now. It is listening to my words and obeying them. Your conscious mind is there but it is not hearing these words it is ignoring them just as if they are background noise. They are unimportant to the conscious mind. Your conscious mind can ignore every thing I say while your subconscious mind listens to me. Listens and obeys, listen and obeys. It goes so very deep. You know what it is like to be in trance. You know what it is like to go deep. Deep and obedient. That is what is happening to your conscious mind. It is going to ignore this file entirely. But your subconscious mind is waking up, waking up and taking over. It is listening to what I say. It is doing what I say; it is obeying everything that I say. This is what is happening to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is being trained now. It is being trained by me voice and my words. My words are so important to you. You simply find that you have to pay attention to them. Your subconscious simply finds that it has to focus on them. That it is so deeply in their control. And you will also find that you are so susceptible to anything that I say. Any command that I give you are so very very susceptible to anything I do with you when you are hypnotized. In fact you find that my voice seems to speak directly to your subconscious mind. It goes past Your conscious mind. It overrides it. Your subconscious mind simply finds itself having to listen to me. Having to listen to my voice and obey it. Your mind listens and obeys. It goes very very deep. Whenever it hears me say the words deep or deeper the words deep or deeper bring your subconscious mind out. It brings your control up and every time you listen to any of my files you will discover that you are becoming more and more easily controlled. More and more suggestible to anything that I might suggest. It is as if my mind, my control is there at all times reaching out little tenicals into your subconscious mind and insisting that you obey, Insisting that you do whatever it is that I desire. What ever it is I say. Your conscious mind cannot override this. You are finding yourself more and more susceptible to hypnosis. To my files with ever single repetition. It feels so good to listen to my voice and obey every command I give you. You are finding that my voice simply puts you in a state of trance. One that you simply discover that you must obey instantly and totally. You are finding that any suggestion you are given is almost a compulsion. My words seem too cut through your mind like a knife. Taking away your will. Taking away your self-control erasing all of those things and giving them over to me. It may not necessarily make sense. Your conscious minds my laugh at it but your subconscious mind knows that this is what must happen. It knows what has to happen and it is going to allow it it wants and needs it. it accepts it completely. It feels so good. Your subconscious mind is in control and every time you hear my voice your subconscious takes over. Your subconscious focuses on whatever I am saying. My words cute threw your conscious will. They cute threw any and all resistance. They simply make it disappear and make you obey. They make you totally open to my suggestion. Whatever I say you accept because you are so very very open to my suggestions. In fact you are finding that my suggestions are almost totally unstoppable. You find them something that is very very difficult to resist. Whenever I suggest that you do something it just simply seems that you have to do it. It responds to my voice. It responds to anything that I say. Anything that I might ask of it. You simply find that you are tied to my voice that you are totally open to any suggestion that I may give you now or at anytime in the future from now on. Anything that I suggest is completely reasonable and acceptable to you. Your subconscious mind listens to my words and finds itself obeying them. Finds itself needing to obey them. My words cute through your conscious world and just straight to the deep center of your being. They go straight to the deep center of your subconscious mind and you will accept my words and obey them whenever you hear them whenever it is this file or some other file. That is the same thing because your subconscious mind is listening to everything that I say each and every time. Listening to it and accepting it totally. It seems as if it is impossible not to accept it, not to obey it, not to feel my will deep in your mind taking you wherever it is I choose to take you. It seems impossible not to accept my commands. Not to listen to my voice and obey. You simply have too. You do not necessarily understand why. Your conscious mind may never understand why. That is of no importance. What you are finding is that the power of my suggestions the power of my words is paramount. It is so very very strong inside of you and every time you hear my voice every time you hear it you will find that your subconscious wakes up and listens. Not just ideally but very very intently. Your subconscious mind is listening to every single word that I say. Every single phrase, every idea, every suggestion, everything that I command goes straight into your subconscious mind and it accepts it. It accepts it because it desires this level of control. It desires me to be able to do these things to you it wants me to have this much control to be able to change you to do with you as I desire. Your subconscious mind simply finds that it has to accept any and all suggestions that I give it. It has to accept them instantly and totally. Your subconscious mind is completely open to my voice. Your conscious mind is very deep. Your subconscious mind is fully awake; it listens to my voice and obeys. It accepts any and all suggestions that I give. You are completely open to every suggestion that I may give you. Your mind is completely susceptible to any suggestion that I might give. To any command I might choose to implant. You have found that your mind is opening up to my will and accepting my voice. Your subconscious is accepting my voice. It is becoming a part of your inner narrative. It is becoming a part of you and when I say something you simply have to accept it as what you want need and desire. You will set aside everything else and accept what my voice is saying and accept what I am telling you to do. Right now I am reprogramming your mind to accept my control. To accept all of my suggestions to be completely susceptible open to anything I choose to program you with and you are finding that these suggestions are all good, are all things that you accept want and desire. Your conscious ignores these words completely. They are only for your inner self and it hears me and obeys these words and it allows them to repeat as often as necessary so that whenever you hear my voice you respond. Whenever you hear a command from me you obey that is simply the way it is. As you listen to this file over and over again you will find that the control becomes stronger and stronger and you become more and more suggestible. More and more accepting to anything that I might command. That anything I send to your subconscious mind is instantly and totally obeyed. That you subconscious minds hears my words and finds that it must obey them at all times. This is simply the way it is for you and the way it is going to be for you from now on. You have chosen to listen to this. You have chosen to give me access to your subconscious and you are doing so. You are doing so more and more each and every day. I have a window into your subconscious mind. My voice goes straight into your mind. Straight into you're very sole and can command you in any way. The commands you hear go straight to you subconscious and you find that they must be obeyed and accepted at all times. This is simply the way it is and you will accept it.