Ses 5- perfectday-v2 - female personna ----------- Session 5: The Perfect Day Feminine Fantasy Feminization Hypnosis - The Unleash Your Inner Woman Program The Perfect Day Feminine Fantasy session is a guided journey that will allow you to experience life as a woman. It’s a great way to enjoy your femininity in “virtual reality” if you can’t or don’t want to go out in public as a woman. Or treat it as a dress rehearsal for your next outing! This session also contains suggestions to help you become more feminine in your daily life. The Perfect Day Feminine Fantasy hypnosis session will allow you to: Take a break from your daily life and enjoy the fantasy of living your ideal feminine reality. Retrain your brain to feel more natural and feminine in real life situations. Step into the “virtual reality” of a gorgeous woman who is admired and desired by others. Let go of any last traces of masculinity that have been holding you back from expressing your true femme self. ---------0 Welcome to the perfect day feminine fantasy hypnosis session take a moment to put your body into a relaxed and comfortable position taking this time for you and now notice how heavy your eyes are getting you really want to close them now they are so very heavy that all you can think about is closing them feel how good it is to simply let them close now taking a nice deep breath into your belly taking in relaxation and peace and breathing out any fears or concerns you might have notice how easy it is for you to relax completely taking another deep breath in feeling more and more relaxed with each breath you take knowing that your breath is your gateway to deeper relaxation and accessing the perfect state to experience your perfect day as a woman so just as you can hear the sound of my voice and the sounds around you so too can you relax even deeper now just as you can feel the air on your skin and your breath going in and out so too can you let all the cells in your body surrender to deep relaxation and peace you have absolutely nothing to do right now you can simply allow yourself to completely let go into the present moment now I am going to count slowly form ten to one and on number one you will find yourself in the deepest most relaxed states you've ever felt almost like you are sound asleep ten feeling so very ready to go deeper now and be so very relaxed and peaceful nine noticing how all of your thoughts are slowing down and coming to a stop without you having to do a thing just like a clock completely winding down and stopping eight feeling eight times more relaxed now eight times more at peace with life and who you are seven noticing how every cell in your body is letting go all the way from the top of your head to the tips of your toes it feels so good to let yourself relax completely now six all tensions in your body are melting away like snow on a warm spring day feeling how good it feels to let go of the tensions now five knowing that there's nothing to do or say right now you can simply surrender into this now moment and let yourself enjoy just being four you are becoming so very relaxed so free to be who you truly are three you are beginning to feel light like you are floating just like a leaf in the wind floating in the air in a warm summer's breeze free and so light two knowing that you'll feel more relaxed than you have ever felt when I say the number one one you are now completely relaxed just like you are sleeping in your own warm comfortable bed you feel so good so peaceful just like you're sleeping imagine now that you are waking up from this sound sleep excited to greet the day knowing that this is going to be one of the best days of your life today you are waking up into your womanhood your masculine past is like a dream you are waking up from today you are 100% woman you start your day with a nice warm shower enjoying the feminine ritual of washing and drying yourself and applying scented lotion to your skin notice how soft your skin is and how silky your hair is as you brush it after your shower see yourself putting on a bit of makeup and putting on some feminine but comfortable clothing maybe jeans and a tee shirt with some pretty jewellery you don't want to wear anything too fancy since you are going shopping with pretty girlfriend and need to change in and out of your clothes easily you are spraying on some of your favourite perfume when you hear the doorbell ring it's your girl friend coming to pick you up imagining opening the front door and greeting her with a hug the two of you are now leaving your home and heading to the mall you are going out tonight and need to find something beautiful to wear picture yourself at the mall you and your girlfriend chat and giggle like schoolgirls as you roam from store to store looking at party dresses shoes and jewellery you feel like a kid in a candy store there are so many beautiful girly things in the mall and today you can have whatever you want finally you spot it the perfect dress imagine this dress on the hanger it's a beautiful style in a gorgeous colour and fabric touching this dress now with your fingers you know that it's the perfect dress for you you grab the dress and go to the dressing room you slip in to this beautiful dress and are delighted to find it fits you perfectly you turn to face the mirror and a smile lights up your face when you see your reflection the dress looks like it was designed just for you it accentuates your body perfectly in fact your body has never looked so beautiful or feminine before notice the curves of your hips and the gentle swell of your cleavage you step out of the dressing room to show your friend she gasps when she sees you oh my gosh you look amazing even the dressing room attendants stop what they are doing to look at you wow she's gorgeous that dress has never looked so good you hear them murmur around you you're feeling so beautiful right now take a moment to drink in the admiration these women have for you you have never felt so accepted or admired as a woman before and these feelings are extra special because they are coming from other women now see yourself changing back into your jeans and paying for your dress along with some beautiful matching shoes and jewellery then you and your girlfriend grab a quick lunch before heading to your destination a beauty salon for some extra special pampering as you enter the salon the women inside turn to face you and your girlfriend with big smiles the receptionist greats you with a kiss you love the feeling of being welcomed into the world of women even in your real life you find yourself more and more confident as a woman you truly see yourself as a woman in mind body and soul you feel a deep connection with other women you know that you are one of them and the more you accept yourself as a woman the more others accept you as a woman a hair stylist now greets you and directs you to a chair in front of a mirror you are relaxing in your chair and sipping wine while the stylist creates a gorgeous hairstyle for you take a look in the mirror and notice what you see it's the perfect color and style in fact your hair has never looked so beautiful before next it's time to see the makeup artist you move to the makeup artist's chair and relax as she begins to apply makeup to your face her hands feel like they are giving you a gentle massage as she applies foundation blush lipstick and eye makeup to your face now imagine looking in the mirror you are looking more beautiful than you have ever looked before notice your smooth skin rosy cheeks full lips and seductive eyes continue to look at your reflection as you give yourself a demure smile and bat your eyelashes flirtatiously you can literally feel the beauty radiating from your face finally it is time to change into your new dress see yourself step into changing room and slip on your dress high heels and sparkling jewellery there is a full length mirror where you admire your complete transformation it is shocking even to you any last traces of masculinity you might have felt have completely vanished you are feeling so feminine it is a if you have been a woman your entire life you are not just any woman but a beautiful woman one of those women that people admire and desire as you step out of the changing room and back into main room of the salon you are greeted with applause at first you feel shy to be the centre of so much attention but then you relax into this feeling of admiration and bask in it you stand tall with your shoulders back with your chin lifted just as you do in real life whenever you present yourself as a woman you radiate confidence and beauty through your body language feeling so good you leave the salon with your girlfriend so you can enjoy a dinner and dancing at your final destination an exclusive restaurant and lounge where the beautiful people go to see and be seen tonight you are one of them as you step out of the car in front of the restaurant you suddenly know what it's like to be a celebrity stepping out of a limo on to the red carpet you place one beautiful high heeled foot on to the pavement and with perfect grace you slink out of the car you can feel the eyes on you as soon as you step out of the car you are attracting a lot of attention and you like it you stand even taller and feel even more confident you and your girlfriend stride into the restaurant like two celebrities and are enthusiastically greeted by the hosts you enjoy a delicious meal and the two of you continue upstairs to the nightclub heads turn the moment you enter the huge beautiful place pulsating with music you cannot help but notice how many men are checking you out whether you are attracted to men or not you enjoy the attention because you know it means you are beautiful doesn't it feel great to be the centre of so much positive attention let yourself enjoy this feeling and now you and your girlfriend head to the dance floor and start to dance you feel kike you were born to dance notice how good it feels to move like a woman and enjoy the look of desire the stranger gives you you get even more into the music and enjoy the look of desire the stranger gives you as you dance together feel the power and beauty of your femininity the spell that it casts over people this is the power of being a beautiful woman the rest of the night passes like a dream you feel like the glamorous star of a movie in fact you are still on a high when you reach your home at the end of the night you hug your girlfriend goodnight and make plans to do this again soon you unwind at the end of the night with a bubble bath before returning to your warm comfy bed before you fall asleep you take a moment to reflect upon this perfect day you are filled with gratitude you are so grateful to be a woman and to get to experience the special joys that only women experience it's important to realise that all of the feelings you experienced in this perfect day fantasy are real and you can take all of those feelings and experiences with you when you return to your normal waking consciousness in just a few moments and now you are going to be taking three deep belly breaths into your body these breaths are going to firmly anchor this state you experienced today into your being and at the same time bring you back to fully waking consciousness so now taking a nice deep breath into your body it's so good to know you can experience the feelings in this perfect day fantasy any time you desire the fact that you can see and feel this day in your mind's eye means they are already part of your being a part of your reality taking a second breath in knowing each time you take in a breath you will naturally tap in to how you felt during your perfect day fantasy now taking a third deep breath breathing completely in and out feeling more energy coming back into your body stretching your arms and your legs knowing you will only be able to open your eyes when all parts of you are fully integrated and solid in the knowing you are 100% a woman now coming fully back into the room opening your eyes and feeling alert alive and ready to continue on with your day as a a gorgeous and highly admired woman.