Lucille Sorella -The Ultimate Hypnotic Feminization Program - part 3 of 5 - Feminizing Your Past, Present, and Future ----------- Session 3: Feminizing Your Past, Present and Future Feminization Hypnosis - The Unleash Your Inner Woman Program The Feminizing Your Past, Present and Future session will help you create a new past in which you were born female and developed feminine qualities throughout your life. You’ll let go of fear and guilt in the present and design the future life you want to be living. The Feminizing Your Past, Present and Future hypnosis session will give you the power to: Develop the essential feminine qualities you needed from each stage in your past development. Transform the beliefs that keep you stuck in a battle between your masculine and feminine sides. Let go of self-doubt and gain complete confidence in yourself as a woman. Create a blueprint for your desired feminine future. ------------------0 Welcome to the Feminizing Your Past, Present, and Future hypnosis session take a few moments to get comfortable in your body and just as you hear the sound of my voice so too can you feel your body relaxing now into whatever is supporting it be it a chair or a sofa or a bed and now continuing to relax I would like you to use your eyes to choose a spot on the wall or the ceiling in front of you choose this spot now you are going to focusing all of your attention on this one special spot so let yourself totally concentrate on this spot for a moment just totally concentrate with as much relaxed focus as you can and as you do that notice how you are still aware of my voice and how you easily let all of your body become very relaxed and comfortable knowing that there is absolutely nothing for you to do right now it's time for you to surrender to complete and total relaxation now in a little time I'm not exactly sure when but soon your eyes will become so relaxed and comfortable that they will want to close you can pick the time that feels right for you and when that happens you will feel even more and comfortable than you are feeling right now it's good to know that your subconscious mind will guide you through this process today and that it is listening intently to everything I say so your conscious mind can begin to drift off that's right just letting go of having to do anything at all imagining now a downwards facing staircase of ten steps these stairs lead down to a special healing sanctuary where you can release the limiting beliefs and feelings that you have been holding on to and truly experience your feminine self stepping down now from step number ten to step number nine knowing that each step you take naturally relaxes you and takes you deeper and deeper inside now down to step number eight going eight times deeper inside feeling eight times more relaxed and ready to let go of any limiting beliefs that you might have moving easily and gracefully down to step number seven knowing that you can easily trust this process and simply let go now stepping on to step number six each step bringing you deep into a serene tranquil place moving down to step number five feeling any last bit of tension melting away like snow on a warm spring day going down to step number four feeling how good it feels to surrender completely right now to these deep relaxing feelings down to step number three knowing that you can completely trust your subconscious mind to listen to follow what I am saying today your conscious mind can completely let go now moving down to step number two your body is now completely filled with sensations of deep relaxation and now arriving on step number one you've entered a deep restful trance filled state noticing in front of you a door behind this door is your special healing sanctuary now opening this door and walking through to the other side finding yourself in a beautiful place where you are completely yourself where your feminine nature radiates naturally taking a look around this place what do you see around you? what sounds do you hear? what is the temperature of the air like on your skin you absolutely love how you feel here it's so beautiful and serene here you notice someone walking towards you as this person approaches you you begin to sense her energy you can see her face now and discern her clothing she is very feminine and radiant she greets you and tells you that she's your femininity guide she has come here today to help you release the blocks to your femininity she is very supportive of you and can easily guide you to become the woman you truly are it's time to release the limiting beliefs and negative feelings you've had about your femininity it's good to know that you can easily let these beliefs and feelings go and replace them with new empowering beliefs about your femininity so take a moment and ask yourself what are the thoughts and feelings that hold me back from expressing myself fully and completely with total confidence as a woman possible beliefs blocking your femininity could be people do not accept for who I am I am too old too big too tall too fat too muscular or too masculine to look good as a woman it's too late for me to become my true feminine self I don't have the resources money support etcetera I need to become a woman transitioning is a long difficult process your guide is now going to help you release these beliefs or any other negative beliefs you might have along with any of the negative feelings that you have associated with them these beliefs are embedded not just in your subconscious mind but also in the cells in your body your guide is now asking you to take a seat you sit down in a very comfortable spot that feels just right for you she now begins to sweep away all of those beliefs with a golden magical broom she's sweeping them out of your mind body and heart and the dust from these old beliefs is transforming into beautiful glitter feeling the beliefs gently being swept away with all of the negative feelings associated with them feel how good it feels to release these and how your body relaxes as they are released it feels so natural and easy that's right feeling the very last bits of these beliefs being completely swept out of your being wow how does it feel to be completely free of these old limited feelings and beliefs? feel how warm and open your heart is how clear your mind is and how good your body feels now that you've cleared away the old beliefs it's time for your femininity guide to install some new empowering beliefs that will help you step more fully in to embodying the woman you truly are one at a time she installs each belief by handing you a goblet full of a golden liquid containing each belief as you drink in each belief you feel it being installed deeply and completely into all levels of your being first drinking down the belief I am accepted for who I am feeling that belief being installed now in all parts of your being now your guide is giving you back the cup containing the belief I have what it takes to become the woman I want to be drinking that down and feeling it's being integrated to all of your cells your consciousness and your beingness good now drinking the belief it's the perfect time for me to become my true feminine self feeling this new belief going down into all of your cells your heart and your mind lastly drinking a goblet full of the belief I am a beautiful woman feeling how this is now becoming a part of you you know that this is true it's good to know that all of these beliefs are now fully integrated and will begin to support you in expressing and living your femininity now your femininity guide beckons you forward she's pointing at something a little ways off you begin to walk towards it and soon you're standing right in front of an object you've never seen before it looks kind of like a elevator of sorts it's large enough to step in to on it's door it reads 'time machine' it's a special time machine that can take you naturally and effortlessly back in time to a parallel past in which you were born as a female and developed the qualities of femininity throughout your entire life saying goodbye to your guide you step into this time machine it feels good to be there you hear a whirling sound and it takes off it's taking you to a parallel past where you can experience a lifetime where you had female skills and behaviours that you can now draw from in this current life it's good to know that your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination as evidenced by how your body reacts to a scary movie so as you experience a past where you were born a female and felt loved your subconscious mind believes that to be true in fact it begins to act and feel as if this newly created past was your original past this creates a blueprint for you to live this current life as if you had lived an entirely different past as a genetic woman so now you notice the time machine has stopped you have arrived in a parallel past where you were born a woman you now get to watch yourself grow up again as a female in this alternate past reality now seeing yourself being born as a female welcomed into the world as a baby girl your parents are so happy that you are born they rejoice in your arrival notice your beautiful tiny feminine body and how much your parents love you see yourself as a toddler wearing cute pink clothes and being called sweet feminine names by your adoring family precious beautiful little princess and notice how good that feels to be called these adoring names and how much you are loved see yourself developing into a little girl around five years old wearing pink frilly dresses and playing with your dolls your mother or another adult woman who you love and trust even if you have to make her up is combing your hair and telling you that you are a beautiful little girl as you play you are learning the important feminine skills that you will carry with you for the rest of your life caring for your dolls is teaching you to be a sensitive nurturing woman playing dress up is teaching you how to put outfits together combing your hair and playing with makeup is teaching you how to care for your appearance see yourself continuing to grow until you are ten years old growing more into your femininity you are playing with other girls having sleep over parties totally and completely accepted as a girl through this experience you are learning how to communicate as a female and how to connect with other females as one of them now you are about fifteen years old your body is beginning to transform from a girl into a woman allow this process to unfold naturally as you see yourself growing breasts hips and rounded curves you are beginning to feel the power of your femininity as you start to notice people start to pay attention to you and admiring your beauty and new feminine shape now see yourself at about twenty years old fully and completely developed as a woman mentally and physically see yourself in a mirror see your beautiful face your body your entire presentation from hair and makeup to the clothes you are wearing to your confident feminine posture you have also developed the inner qualities of a woman you are confident powerful and beautiful now notice that this twenty year old is beginning to merge with the present you all of what you have learned in this past parallel reality is now becoming part of the present reality all the wisdom love and female experiences is being integrated into the you of today after a lifetime of development you have the whole package you are a total and complete woman and you feel 100% confident in yourself and your femininity now imagining that you are stepping out into the future one day from now breath deeply in and notice how good it feels to be you notice how beautiful you feel and look now picture yourself in the future one month from now get a sense of how you feel about yourself as a woman notice how confident you feel as you go through life become aware of how you dress walk and talk like a beautiful radiant woman you feel so very good about who you are now see yourself stepping into the future one year from now notice how easy and natural it has become for you to express your feminine nature you feel so confident as the woman you have become you feel that your femininity is completely accepted by others you are living the life you've always dreamed of one where you are 100% confident in your femininity and the life you have chosen for yourself you will retain all of this as you get ready to return to your daily waking consciousness in just a few moments so anchor this feeling in your body with one nice deep breath knowing that with each breath you take you are becoming more and more merged with your highest feminine self and it's good to know that while you love being the woman you are you can naturally and effortlessly revert to your male self whenever you wish for you are in control at all times you can relax into the knowing that you are in control of the feminization process things will move at the perfect pace for you you are free to be exactly who you want to be if you choose to be both the male and the female you find it easy to move between both worlds presenting yourself as a man when you have to but easily transitioning into a woman when you want to so now noticing the set of five stairs you first came down leading back up to waking consciousness stepping now from step number one to step number two becoming more awake and more alert with each step you take now moving up to number three feeling more energy coming in to your body stepping up to number four feeling so good about the woman that you've become and now stepping on to step number five opening your eyes when you are ready and coming fully back into the room feeling fully alert alive and refreshed ready to carry on with your day as a confidant vibrant beautiful woman.