Lucile Sorille -The Ultimate Hypnotic Feminization Program - Session 2 - Flawless Feminine Image --------- Session 2: Flawless Feminine Image Feminization Hypnosis - The Unleash Your Inner Woman Program The Flawless Feminine Image session will help you master the most important elements of your feminine image, including: hair, makeup, clothes, voice, movement, and body language. If you’ve ever struggled with your image, this session will help you feel more skilled and natural in presenting yourself as a woman. The Flawless Feminine Image hypnosis session will empower you to: Direct your subconscious mind to emulate the behavior of the most elegant cisgender women you observe in your daily life. Let go of previously uncontrollable masculine mannerisms. Sound more feminine when you speak and communicate as a woman. Become more skilled in doing your makeup, styling your hair, and in putting fashionable and flattering outfits together. -------------0 Welcome to the flawless feminine image hypnosis session. Find a comfortable position for your body and just let yourself start to slow down now your thoughts are slowing down your breathing is slowing down and you notice that you are feeling a bit drowsy now your eyelids are getting heavy and hard to keep open and you can barely resist the temptation to close them now notice how good it feels to surrender into this sleepiness and close your eyes just as you can feel the temperature on your skin so too can you trust in your ability to look feel and be a beautiful woman just as you can hear the sound of my voice so too can you feel your body beginning to let go and relax even more now you're relaxing more with each easy beat of your heart with each easy breath you take with each sound that you hear taking a nice deep breath in breathing deep peace and relaxation and on the out breath letting go of any fears or concerns about your femininity that's right simply letting go taking another full deep breath into your belly noticing how good and relaxing it is to simply breathe in air feel your lungs filling up and now breathing out breathing out any last bits of tension feeling very relaxed very peaceful with each breath you take now imagine a bright pink ball of energy above your head this energy is both relaxing and very feminine in nature it slowly begins to move down into your scalp and head soothing and relaxing each cell as it goes it moves into your brain slowing down all of your thoughts until they stop completely it's so easy to just let go of these thoughts you can just let your subconscious mind take over your job is to just simply relax and let go this pink feminine energy gently pours down your face relaxing your facial muscles and soothing away any stress lines you might have allowing your true femininity to show upon your face your eyes your cheeks and your lips are so very relaxed and so feminine now feeling this pink light flowing down into your shoulders your chest and back allowing each muscle to relax and be infused with this radiant feminine energy all tensions are being massaged away by this pink feminine light leaving you feeling so good and so very relaxed you are feeling very peaceful and nurtured as this energy slides down into your stomach down your hips flowing down now into your thighs knees all the way to your toes melting any remaining tensions as it goes transforming all the cells in your legs making them feel so beautifully feminine it's so good to know that the more you relax your body the more your innate femininity radiates outward for others to see notice the good pleasant feminine feeling that has come all across your body notice how every muscle every nerve is so loose so limp and so relaxed from the top of your head to the very tips of your toes that's very good just resting now for a minute in this relaxing feminine energy knowing that you can feel this any time you like this healing light bath has awakened you to a new level of expressing and using feminine body language now imagining that you're standing up feel what it's like to have your feet on the ground how you naturally stand with tall beautiful posture you automatically keep your shoulders back your spine lifted and your chin up in fact from this day forward your body automatically assumes perfect posture when you are sitting or standing your body has been suffused with a new feminine energy that guides it to move just like a woman you keep your legs together and your elbows in when you are sitting or standing you take up less space with your body than a man does you are always aware of the messages you are sending with your body language and you have lost all unwanted masculine habits it's especially good to know that even if you are bigger or taller than the average genetic woman you always feel feminine and elegant now I would like you to imagine you are standing in front of a full length mirror you can see your beautiful feminine self reflected back in this mirror you love and admire the beautiful reflection you see looking back at you you notice how you are becoming more and more skilled in the way you do your hair and makeup as you look you feel good and confident about your appearance you notice how good your makeup looks you enjoy the feminine ritual of applying makeup and it shows as you apply your makeup each day you feel yourself moving more and more into your femininity not just on a physical level but on all levels physical mental and emotional as you admire your reflection in this mirror you also notice how good the feminine clothes that you are wearing make you look you always wear clothes that make you feel and look your best in fact you enjoy learning about fashion and makeup so you have the skills and knowledge to create your best image you notice how your clothes hair and makeup reflect the woman you truly are you love looking in the mirror and seeing how your hair makeup and beautiful posture work together to create a beautiful feminine image you enjoy shopping and treat yourself to feminine items that make you feel great you love to spoil your feminine self with gifts of all kinds you simply love how it feels to be the woman you see reflected back in this mirror seeing your beauty here in this mirror serves to motivate you even more to take good care of your appearance you love your daily feminine self care routine that you have created as you admire your hair skin and nails you congratulate yourself on taking such good care of them caring for your appearance makes you feel very feminine and beautiful now leaving this room with the mirror you walk into another room that's full of friendly women it's a gathering of women who want to see you as you enter the room you naturally feel good about yourself and who you are as a woman as you move about this room you automatically observe these women and notice the exact qualities that make them feminine the way they move speak dress and behave this is also something you also naturally do each time you go out in real life even if you are not consciously studying women your subconscious mind is always observing women so it can use this information later you are effortlessly imitating the mannerisms and behaviours of these women until it becomes 100% natural for you as you interact with women at this gathering you notice how you feel like one of them any selfconsciousness you might have felt about being a woman has completely disappeared to be replaced by a deep confidence in your feminine expression each time you are with women you naturally feel like you fit in and can completely be your feminine self as you accept yourself as a woman you notice how other women accept you as a woman this is a natural process that requires no effort on your part as you speak with these women you notice the sound of your and how feminine it sounds your voice is becoming more and more feminized each time you present yourself as a woman you are mastering all of the elements of a feminine voice listening to yourself you hear how you are speaking in a higher more womanly pitch not too high not too low but the perfect pitch for you you articulate your words just like a woman does you speak in longer flowing sentences rather than short bursts as you converse you become aware that you naturally use more melodic intonation and vary your pitch within a phrase or sentence your communicating like an authentic woman feel how good it feels to express yourself as a woman with these women everywhere you go you naturally and confidently express yourself just like a genetic woman as you interact with these women at this gathering and in all moments in your life you listen to the way women around you speak the words they use and how they express themselves you are finding it easier and easier to communicate in a more gentle and feminine way you have good manners and always communicate like a lady you enjoy speaking with women and feel a natural connection even if it is something as simple as ordering a drink at a restaurant or making a purchase at a check out counter now you decide to leave this women's gathering and walk out of the door finding yourself in one of your favourite neighbourhoods you begin walking along the street feeling the air on your skin hearing the sounds of people around you you can see some of your favourite places to go to on either side of the street as you walk you'll notice how your body knows exactly how to carry itself like a beautiful woman you automatically project beauty as you walk you feel graceful and feminine with each step you take in fact you move with the grace of a dancer any clumsiness or awkwardness you might have felt in the past has faded away to be replaced with deep feelings of ease and confidence you relax and let your hips move naturally in a gentle natural feminine sway your arms move freely in opposition to your steps when you walk your movements are small and graceful your walk communicates confidence and femininity to others who see you in fact you notice that passer-bys are turning their heads and admiring you as you walk down the street you are so enjoying the way they are looking at you you feel very attractive indeed they're noticing your beautiful feminine face you naturally relax your face and always wear a beautiful feminine expression on your face you are aware of the messages you are sending with your facial expressions as you walk it's good to know your facial expressions reflect the way you feel as a woman confident sexy demure playful flirtatious and 100% female you're smiling as you move down this street you smile often without thinking about it when you smile you bring joy to yourself and others you feel so good about your feminine nature and expression that you naturally feel motivated to perfect all aspects of your feminine image you spend each time each day working on a different aspect of your image you love and accept yourself right now even if there are areas you want to improve so take a moment to breathe in love and acceptance for yourself just as you are right now and as you let it go know that you are expressing your femininity out wards in the most perfect ways and it's good to know that while you love being the woman you truly are you can naturally and effortlessly revert back to your male self whenever you wish for you are in control at all times you can relax into the knowing that you are in control of the feminization process things will move at the perfect pace for you you are free to be exactly who you want to be if you choose to be both a male and female you find it easy to move between both worlds presenting yourself as a man when you have to but easily transitioning into a woman when you want to now taking a deep breath in to your body breathing in more energy as you wake up taking a second deep breath knowing that you will naturally present yourself as a woman as you go through your days and that this ability will deepen with each passing minute and hour now taking a third deep breath into your body beginning to wiggle your fingers and your toes stretching your arms and legs getting more energy circulating in your body and now when you are ready gently opening your eyes and coming back into the room fully alert alive and completely refreshed knowing that you are indeed the woman that you want to be.