Lucile Sorille - Unleash Your Feminine Mind Power Session 1 ----------- Awaken Your Feminine Mind Power Feminization Hypnosis - The Unleash Your Inner Woman Program The Awaken Your Feminine Mind Power session sets the stage for your feminine transformation. You’ll gain the tools to take control of your “masculine mind” and express yourself as a woman – inside and out. The Awaken Your Feminine Mind Power hypnosis session will allow you to: Reprogram your subconscious mind to feminize your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Transform unwanted masculine habits so you can effortlessly present yourself as a woman. Connect with your Ideal Feminine Self and discover new ways to express her in your daily life. Feel much more confident and secure about expressing yourself as a woman. --------------------0 Welcome to the unleash your feminine mind power hypnosis session take a few moments to get comfortable in your body and begin breathing deeply and slowly the muscles in and around your eyes will relax all by themselves as you continue breathing easy and freely your eyes are getting even heavier and soon they simply close of their own accord before you let go completely and go into a deep hypnotic state just know your conscious mind can simply relax and drift off wherever it wants to go your subconscious mind will listen to each word I say and it's becoming less important for you to consciously listen to my voice without thinking about it you'll soon go enter a deep peaceful hypnotic trance without any effort at all there is nothing important for your conscious mind to do there is nothing important except the activity of your subconscious mind and that can be as automatic as dreaming and you know how easy it is to dream your subconscious mind can hear me even if I whisper it can and will respond automatically to everything I tell you you will be pleasantly surprised by your continuous progress give yourself permission to relax even deeper now letting go of any tension inside letting it melt away like butter melting on a warm summer day take in a slow deep breath of air inhaling rich healing oxygen into every cell throughout your body and as you exhale release all concerns of worries you might have letting them go letting them go this is your time to allow your full feminine mind power to be unleashed relaxing even deeper now taking another deep breath in the more you relax the more you can tap into and expand your feminine mind power so just let go and relax completely your are responding very well indeed without noticing it you have already altered your rate of breathing you are breathing much more easily and freely and you are revealing signs that indicate you are beginning to drift into a hypnotic trance now become aware of a stet of ten steps in front of you these steps lead down to a special place where you can fully connect with and see your feminine self stepping down from step number ten down to to step number nine knowing that each step is a step towards fully embodying your ideal feminine self down to step number eight enjoying all the sensations of comfort and peacefulness as you move down these stairs and deeper into your femininity now moving down to step number seven feeling seven times more relaxed seven times more confident in your femininity moving down to step number six knowing that it is easy and natural for you to connect with your feminine self down to step number five realising how good it feels to let go and allow your whole being to simply float down these stairs like a feather floating in the wind moving down to step number four feeling the warm soothing sensations in your body as every cell relaxes deeper now into your femininity step number three noticing how your body feels so peaceful so serene step number two knowing that on step number one you will arrive in a place where you can fully connect with and merge with your feminine self now step number one feeling completely relaxed and at peace finding yourself in the most beautiful room unlike anything you have ever seen before this is the place where your true feminine self resides as you look around this room you notice that on the wall there is a large mirror this mirror is here to reflect your true feminine self step in front of it and notice what you see you see your radiant ideal feminine self in the mirror she is absolutely perfect and beautiful in every way as you stare into your feminine essence you realize that this is your true self your real self you see the beautiful and brilliant woman you truly are suddenly you see the brilliant beautiful image of your ideal feminine self float off the mirror and move in to you you are merging with your ideal feminine essence let it come into your body notice how good it feels to merge with your most beautiful and empowered feminine self now you feel the perfection of your feminine self allow yourself to fully take in how perfect and beautiful your femininity is femininity is one of the most powerful forces in the universe you feel yourself connecting with this feminine power allow yourself to naturally surrender to your feminine energy until it has been fully awakened and know that this energy will guide you easily and naturally from this day forward in transforming your mind body and emotions into that of a woman you will naturally enjoy every step of the way towards becoming the perfect woman it's good to know you have the power to change and become as feminine as you want your ideal feminine self naturally works with you to help you create the ultimate life you want to be living as a woman you now feel empowered to live exactly how you want to be living no longer on other people's terms but on your terms you are now in control of your destiny you are becoming a woman physically mentally and emotionally you are freeing the real you you are expanding your feminine dreams you allow yourself to increase your feminine desires because you know you deserve them you know now and believe deep in your heart that your femininity is a gift you naturally feel overpowering love and acceptance for your femininity you even feel gratitude for having been blessed with a unique opportunity to experience life as both genders even if you are ready to leave your masculine past behind you feel your heart expand as you realize that your feminine journey has given you far greater appreciation for being a woman than most genetic women who take this gift for granted take a moment to connect with your body become aware of the natural and gentle rhythm of your breath your subconscious mind regulates all the unconscious parts of your body including your breathing digestion and heartbeat it also regulates the production of your hormones you can direct your subconscious mind to regulate the balance of your sex hormones with a simple suggestion for your subconscious mind is highly suggestible you can tell your subconscious mind to lower your testosterone level and increase your estrogen level to naturally feminize your body and your mind this will allow you to have more feminine feelings to think like a woman and will aid in the feminine transformation of your body so take a moment now to say out loud my testosterone levels are naturally lowering themselves while my estrogen levels are effortlessly increasing so that I can achieve exactly the balance I desire notice the shift in your energy field that's just happened your subconscious mind is already going to work for you and these hormonal shifts are now underway you can simply relax and let this take place of its own accord with the help of your subconscious mind you are finding it easier and easier to express yourself as a woman you know that being a true woman means being a woman from the inside out your appearance attitude and behaviours all flow from within and the more you surrender to your inner woman the more femininity you reflect on the outside you are even beginning to naturally think like a woman you are leaving behind your masculine patterns of thought instead of relying solely on logic and reason you are opening to your emotions and intuition you are feeling more sensitive and nurturing to yourself and others letting go of the need to control and dominate and becoming softer and more open in a way that's most appropriate for you take a moment to connect with the qualities of your ideal feminine self now she is soft gentle sensitive sensuous sexy strong confident fun flirtatious beautiful and 100% feminine allow yourself to completely embody these qualities now you find it very easy to express yourself as a woman and you naturally find new ways to express your femininity as you live each day you are feeling more and more courageous about expressing yourself as a woman take a moment to consider how you can push your current boundaries to express more of who you truly are now see yourself in your mind's eye expressing your femininity by doing simple feminine things imagine right now that you are doing your nails notice how beautiful and feminine you feel with gorgeous nails you see yourself taking a luxurious bubble bath you can even smell the yummy scent of the bubbles and feel the warm water on your skin imagine that you are applying perfume or lotion inhale the sensuous fragrance and notice how good it feels now take a look at the articles of women's clothing that you are wearing you feel good and natural in these clothes and best of all you feel beautiful you now thoroughly enjoy taking care of your appearance you naturally take pleasure in putting on makeup and you love how it feels to get dressed up notice how easy and natural it has become to engage in and enjoy all feminine activities see yourself decorating your home or personal space in the most beautiful and perfect way you can even visualize cleaning this space with joy and ease you feel so good having a space that reflects your true feminine self you naturally experience joy in doing simple feminine tasks like doing laundry and cooking on a regular basis each time you do one of these activities you connect deeper with your femininity it just feels so good and natural for you in fact this is how you live your entire life easily and naturally connected to your femininity as you go about your day like any other woman you know that our femininity is your birthright and that you are as entitled to your femininity as a genetic woman thus you accept yourself 100 % you love and accept all parts of yourself including the masculine and feminine parts you know that everybody including genetic women has both masculine and feminine energies and you now have the power to reset the balance of this energy to be as feminine as you want to be from this place of love and acceptance you can change anything including those masculine parts of you that you previously rejected you feel more and more positive about yourself and your femininity and you will carry this new found confidence with you when you return from this hypnotic journey in just a few moments now it's good to know that while you love being the woman you truly are you can naturally and effortlessly revert to your male self whenever you wish for you are in control at all times you can relax into the knowing that you are in control of the feminization process things will move at the perfect pace for you you are free to be exactly who you want to be if you choose to be both a male and female you find it easy to move between both worlds presenting yourself as a man when you have to but easily transitioning into a woman when you want to now I am going to count from one to five and on number five you will awake from this state completely alert alive and refreshed one taking a deep breath into your body two feeling more energy entering your feminine body now three gently moving your fingers and your toes four stretching your arms and legs getting more energy circulating in your body five opening your eyes when you are ready and coming back into the room fully alert alive and completely refreshed knowing that you are indeed the woman that you want to be.