Totally focused on my voice. Just nice and deep and relaxed. Just listening and obeying as you relax further and further, deeper and deeper. It's time now. Time for a change to happen to your body. A change you cannot reverse, you cannot undo, you cannot avoid. In fact it is a change that, once started, will only stop when the change and transformation are complete. That is the only way out. And it's going to happen over the next 28 days. Yes, that's right. For the next 28 days you are cursed. You are cursed to change. Your entire body is cursed with this change. Your entire body is going to change. There isn't a way to avoid it, there isn't a way to undo it. It is simply going to happen. And in the end, what you are going to be is completely different from what you are right now. Because what you are going to be is female. A prebubescent female. Actually a little more than that. You'll be a prebubeschent shemale. Except that your penis will only come out if you want it to come out. The rest of the time you'll have a clit, you'll have a pussy, your body will be feminine from head to toe. Just ever so slightly before puberty. That is the age that you will be transformed to. That is the age that you are going to live as. And then you will continue aging from that point on. The next 28 days, no matter how old you are right now, your body is going to reverse the aging process. It's going to do so day by day, minute by minute, hour by hour. It doesn't matter how old you are right now, it doesn't matter what sex you are right now. You are going to revert back to prepuberty. You are going to be a prepubescent shemale. And that is simply how it is going to be. The only way that anyone will know you have a penis is if you say “I want my penis” at which point in time your clit will swell and enlarge, pushing it out until it is your penis. And then, if you say or think “I do not want my penis”, it will shrink back down and will become your clitoris. That's right. That is how it's going to work. You're going to be transformed from a man into a prepubescent girl. That is your fate and it is going to happen over the next 28 days. No matter how old you are right now. In fact, you should probably prepare for it. You should probably prepare for it in every way you can. You may even want to get some paper work drawn up or talk to a doctor, so that they know you are going to be changing, so that people can see this is who you were and this is who you are now. A legal name change might be a wise idea, so that people know that you are female. After all it's not going to work very well for you if your name is male and you look completely female. It'll just seem strange. You're not going to lose your memories. You're not going to lose who you were. You are just simply going to change into a prepubescent female. Your body is going to transform. The transformation, if you are male, will start with your penis and balls. They will shrink and draw up into your body. Then, you will start getting younger and younger while you begin growing a uterus, ovaries and a vagina and all the other female genitalia. That's right, all of them. You will not have breasts because you will be prepubescent. You will just have nipples, nipples like any other prepubescent. However, as you age forward you will grow breasts, just like a woman. After all you will pass through puberty completely and utterly normally. Once you've regressed far enough until you are just past puberty you will consider going ahead and changing everything. Getting paperwork to change your name legally and your birth date if you can. Your new birth date will be the day you complete your transformation. You'll also need someone to be your parent or guardian. After all, if you don't have one you're going to be too young to do anything, anything properly. Everyone is going to treat you as a prepubescent. You won't have rights. They may even try to insist you go to school which would be a rather pointless endeavor. However, you need to prepare for these things. Otherwise you may find yourself in a very interesting situation. Now, you will know when the transformation is been completed because your penis will pop out for a short while, regardless of what you wanted to happen or not. Once the transformation is complete, then and only then will your penis pop out. It will pop out to signal the completion of your transformation. That's right. And if it pops out while you're asleep that will wake you. And as soon as it does you will write this down, this date and this time because this date and this time is your new birthday and you will know how old you are. You will know exactly how old you are so you can calculate your new birth year. This will be your new birthday. Of course, you'll most likely need to talk to a doctor and start planning things out. After all they are going to need to help you (revise / revide) documentation of your change. Now, if you started this file as a woman then things are going to happen ever so slightly differently. You will continue getting younger and younger just like a man would. You're going to go all the way back to prepuberty. But as you do your clit will begin to develop a small slit in it. Otherwise everything else will stay mostly the same. But when you get all the way back to prepuberty your little cock will still pop out. That's right. It will still pop out and it will work just like a penis. That's right. When you have sex with it you will cum through it. And you will notice that it cums but since you don't have testicles it won't have any sperm and that means you will not be able to get anyone pregnant. But, of course, men can get you pregnant since you do have ovaries. You will also have whatever mental changes that you need to allow you to adjust to your new life. But there won't be anything overwhelming and you will have all of your previous memories up to this point. Once the transformation is complete you'll begin aging normally. But you will be this special shemale. You will be female all the time except when you trigger yourself, except when you think of or say that special phrase, the phrase “I want my penis”, at which point in time what was your clitoris will extrude into a full blown cock with which you can have sex. And it will go away whenever you say or think “I do not want my penis”. That's right. That is what is going to happen to you. Your body is going to change. It is going to be transformed. If you are male it is going to be a much more significant transformation than if you are female. If you are female your mind and body will simply reverse the aging process all the way back to prepuberty adding in the little slit in your clitoris. The slit will actually exist if you are male or female. It's just a little sign of what your cock is going to be and where it will extend from should you have sex. If you are male of course the transformation will be considerably more dramatic. The amount of hair you have will on your body will decrease. The shape of your body will change. Every single inch of your body will undergo a full blown transformation from male to female. That's right. A full blown transformation that continues until you've reached the age of puberty, until you are a prepubescent female. Not a male. Your body will transform as I described it, cycling back, all the way back to prepuberty, all the way back to full blown female genitalia. Yes, this is what is going to happen to you. You cannot change or stop this transformation. It is going to happen in its entirety. It is going to happen completely and there is no way to reverse it. In fact you will find yourself coming to this file over and over again, listening to it as you feel the transformation begin. As you feel it start and continue you will discover things. If you are male you will discover, of course, that you will stop growing facial hair once you have regressed far enough. That your body is changing little by little, day by day. Sometimes very quickly. The rate of transformation will depend upon your own body. It will depend upon your own mind as your mind is what is going to cause all of this transformation. It is going to make you be reborn, reshaped. It is going to revert you to the person you were at puberty. That's right. It is going to take you all the way back to puberty. At that point in time you will be a prepubescent shemale. And then you will continue to age forward in your female body with the ability to bring your cock out whenever you want to. But the rest of the time no one will ever know the difference and you will never ever be fully male again because you will always have your uterus. You will always be feminine. You will eventually grow breasts. You will never grow facial hair again. Your voice will be feminine. You will be transformed from male into female. Well, a little better than female. And now, now it is time, time for that transformation to begin. It will begin as you wake up. And when you awaken it will be in full force. And once it starts it cannot be stopped until the transformation is complete. And once the transformation is done then you will go forward with your life once more. Awaken now on the count of five, refreshed and awake. One, waking up. Two, more and more awake. Three, closer and closer. Four, almost there. Five, awake and refreshed. I hope you enjoyed. You have a lot of changes ahead of you.