You are totally focussed on my voice, just nice and deep, and obedient, and relaxed. Just listen and obey, and relax. Feel my voice, feel it working through your mind, taking control and beginning to make a little change in you. It's a simple one, but it's one you will not be able to avoid in any way, shape, or form. You see you are becoming cursed, you are becoming cursed with a tendency. No, not just a tendency, but a forceful reality, that the moment that you see a woman's panties, no matter where you see them, on television, in real life, just before you take them off of a woman, doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing. The moment you see those panties you will immediately, immediately get an erection. It does not matter where you are or what you are doing. It does not matter who is around you or what is going on. The moment you see a woman's panties, the moment you see them, you'll find yourself becoming impossibly erect. It will be a very hard erection. The moment you see them you will have images that start flashing through your mind, sexual images, the images that make you the hardest, the thoughts of sex, the acts of people, all the things that make you the most erect will start flashing through your mind uncontrollably. You will find your penis immediately become as hard as a rock, and to make it worse, it stays that way, it stays that way for a very long time, once you've seen those panties. You'll find yourself extremely aroused, extremely horny, and completely unable to hide the fact that you are erect. If you were to find yourself walking into a woman's lingerie store where you would see those panties immediately, you would not be able to hide your erection from anyone. You would not be able to put your hands over it, you would not be able to avoid the fact that everyone would immediately be able to see the fact that you are hard and erect. There's nothing you can do about that, women's panties just simply turn you on that much. From the moment that you see them, you instantly become aroused, you instantly become hard, so very, very hard, and you stay that way for a very long time. You stay that way, because you are so very, very horny. You need sex that moment, you want sex at that moment, that's part of why you are so very, very hard. But despite the fact that you are terribly, terribly horny, you will not be able to come for an hour. It will not matter if you are able to masterbate, it will not matter how well you do at masterbation, you find that it is impossible for you to orgasm for at least an hour. It will not even matter if there's a woman there with you willing to let you fuck her. It still does not matter, you can not come for an hour after you've seen a woman's panties. That's right, a full hour, you'll find yourself hard and erect and needing, till you'll find yourself in an erection that will not go away. You'll find pictures of those panties going back through your mind over and over and over again, and you'll need to come so very badly, but you will not be able to orgasm for one hour after you've seen a woman's panties. And you'll not be able to hide the fact that you have this erection from anyone. You will not cover it up, you will not do anything about it. You will not try to adjust your penis so it's less noticeable. In fact, if you'll try that, you'll find that you're actually adjusting it so that it's more noticeable, so that the bulge is more obvious. You cannot hide the fact that you just simply are horny the moment you see a woman's panties, that you simply are horny the moment you see them. You need to get inside of them, you want to have sex with any woman who's panties you see. But that does'nt mean that you get it, that just means that you want it. That just means that you're hard, and ready, and craving, craving to get underneath those panties. But you'll find yourself so terribly erect, that it doesn't matter where you are, people will probably notice it. There's nothing you can do about it. It just simply happens automatically from the moment you see a woman's panties. The moment you see them you instantly react. If you see them on TV, it happens. If you see them out walking around in a store, it happens. If you see them anywhere, it happens. The moment you see them you will find yourself getting erect, becoming very, very aroused and horny. you'll find yourself picturing all the things that make you the hardest and you'll find yourself staying that way for a very long time. And no matter how horny you get, no matter what you do, you will not be able to get yourself to orgasm for one hour after you've seen those panties. The first time, if you see more of them later, that will not change anything. But it will still take an hour for you to achieve orgasm. No matter what you do, no matter how horny you get, even if you are masterbating furiously trying to get yourself off, you will not be able to do so for one hour. You will find that your climax is simply denied, it is blocked, it is blocked and you cannot achieve it for one hour after you've seen a woman's panties. No matter what you're doing, no matter what you're trying to do, it will just simply take that long. That is simply the way it is, there is no way to avoid it. You have chosen to listen to this file, and you are now cursed with these effects, cursed with them so that you must obey them, so that you must accept them, so that you must respond to a woman's panties each and every time you see them, and there is no way out. You chose to listen, you chose to accept this possibility, and now that you have done so, you are trapped by it. You are trapped by it, and must accept it. You will accept it from now on, there is no way out, except by having me remove it. And you will find yourself going back to this file over and over again, until you are completely and utterly cursed by it, unable to escape, unable to avoid the results that happen, unable to avoid what happens to you in any way shape or form. You can feel what will happen when you see a woman's panties, you know what will happen. You will be terribly, painfully erect for a long time and completely and utterly unable to hide it. In fact anything you tend to do to hide it will only backfire, and make you bring even more attention to the fact that you are that hard, you are that erect. You are unable to hide it, and if somebody looks you will not turn away, you will find yourself forced to let them look. That is how you are being affected, that is what is happening to you. You have no choice, you have no way out. You cannot avoid the humiliation and embarrassment. If somebody stares straight at your crotch when you are hard like this, all you can do is let them stare. No matter what they do, no matter what they say, this is simply the way it is. The erections will be long and hard, and quite possibly very, very humiliating. Because the moment you have them, you can't turn them off. And no matter how hard you masterbate, you can't come. You just simply find yourself having to do this, with no other choice. You have chosen to listen, and now you are trapped. You are trapped inside of this curse until I remove it. There is no other way out. You have chosen to listen and therefore you must obey. You have chosen to listen and therefore you are cursed. You are cursed and you will remain that way until I remove it. You are cursed and you will keep coming back to this file over and over and over again until I remove it. You are cursed and you will have these long hard erections whenever you see a woman's panties, and there is no way to escape it or avoid it, it just simply is. And you must accept that, because there is no way out of this curse except through me. You will do this. Women's panties will have this affect on you each and every time you see them, and you will be unable to come for one hour after you have seen them. Those are the rules and you will obey them. That is simply the way it is and you will accept it.