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Full Version: Tomb Raiding and Lara Croft
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Incidentally the Skin Two jade green rubber Lara tops had a low scoop neck, the US version from Nimue's Latex was a higher v-neck.


A few Lara's I couldn't fit into my last post:


Wow, great pics, I didn't realize I was amongst Tomb Raider fans.
The last few rubbery or apparently-nyloned Lara's I have for now:


I love the red hair/green latex combo in the last one. More generally, I love that the cosplayers are real women with curves, not skeletally anorexic supermodels.

Edit. I think I was wrong, I'll put my hands up, mea culpa. I can't find any evidence Lara wore black stockings with her evening dress. I thought I remembered them from the bonus pics at the end of TR3 (if you found all the secrets) but they were apparently just garters.

Edit again, you could actually find one more than the supposed maximum number of secrets. There were two ways into the South Pacific village, by wading through a swamp or crossing a rope bridge and each had a secret. You were meant to take one path or the other but jumping off the bridge into the swamp let you collect both.

As a matter of fact, I am going to install that game now, hoping that it still runs on my system.
I'm not sure I recognize this outfit...


,,,but this one seems a bit more obvious...


Another interesting Lara wannabe:


Quote:these pics give an idea about her fetish potential: do these...


Edit, the first victim looks like Dr Werner von Croy, I'm not sure who the second is meant to be.
I have finally found the game and installed it, even went as far as getting the catsuit (you have to fulfil certain tasks to get new outfits). The catsuit looks pretty cool, definitely made of latex with some lycra-ish wrinkles though. From some angles, it looks like a leotard plus leggins. Even the gun holsters, belt and utility harness add to it. I really wonder, what drove the makers to add this outfit, it has no purpose in the game at all. I would upload a few images, but the game runs on a different computer where I can't remember the password for this forum. Don't tell me how to solve that, I do know it, I am lazy though. The screeshots will follow sooner or later.


Here the first pictures, straight from the lab:

A few outfits that are used automatically in the game

The latex catsuit, which is a reward for solving a couple of tasks:
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