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Stockings HQ shop has now closed.

Sad. I've bought lot of nylons from them.

Quote: Sadly, as a result of Brexit making things impossible, the SHQ shop has closed after 22 years.

At the moment I am hoping to keep the forums alive, but having personally funded them for the last 22 years, I can't do that any longer.

Hosting and software licences for the forums cost around £280 per month (which is a fraction they used to cost - it was over £600 per month at one point), so I am hoping to set up a voluntary subscription model for the forums - the basic site will, of course, remain free, but if you're willing to support the site with a monthly contribution towards the upkeep, you'll get all sorts of extra privileges and capabilities. I'll upload a full list of the perks once I've set it up.

Hopefully enough people will value the site enough to make it viable. Obviously if not enough do then it'll be a very sad day and the forums will close too. I should have that set up shortly: It would only take 28 people at £10 per month (or 56 at £5 which might be a bit trickier) so fingers crossed.

More news soon.

I'm more than familiar with the problem. For our forum it would take 63 people and 1 euro per month. 😄
Any ideas how to get a backup of the whole SHQ forum? 😉