Recently I seem to have a growing interest in this topic... the warm snug embrace is rather comforting
Its obviously becoming a thing for me as ive spent some not insignificant funds on a custom made bondage sleeping bag... and its on its way to me.. hopefully here in a weeks time
and it has Internal sleeves too!
looking forward to some snug relaxing times!
Anybody else have a similar interest?
ltxrob, I certainly find that fetish intriguing and wouldn't mind trying it, but I tend to get hot really easily and I'm not sure I could stand to be in bondage while insulated so much. How do you plan to deal with so much retained body heat?
And that is one reasion why I don’t do more bondage with a partner.
The idea that someone can plug the breathing tube or crush it can be really bad news.
(26 Oct 2019, 12:35 )ltxrob Wrote: [ -> ]Recently I seem to have a growing interest in this topic... the warm snug embrace is rather comforting
Its obviously becoming a thing for me as ive spent some not insignificant funds on a custom made bondage sleeping bag... and its on its way to me.. hopefully here in a weeks time
and it has Internal sleeves too!
looking forward to some snug relaxing times!
Anybody else have a similar interest?
seeing this post again has made sad 😟
this was the bag that I lost in the garage fire... as far as the insurance was concerned it was just a "Camping sleeping bag"
In terms of cost per minutes of enjoyment this has to be by far my most expensive kinky purchase!!