Hey all,
With winter well and truly here (where I am), I'm once again remembering how damn cold it gets.
I seem to be more susceptible than most, to a drop in temperature, and have found myself shivering constantly over the last few days.
Of course, there is one benefit that I can extract from the time of year, and that is the 'excuse' of being able to wear 'thermals'.
Last night, for the first time, I wore nothing but a full-body catsuit (with an attached cock sheath) to bed, not caring if my GF found out (which she did).
Disappointingly though, I wasn't as warm as I was expecting to be. Even when compared to my usual 'boxers only' sleeping attire.
Today, once I finished work, I decided to try putting on a few layers, as I didn't want to spend my evening shivering uncontrollably.
So, as I write this, I am wearing: a pair of dance leggings; a long sleeved, high-necked leotard; an under-armour cold gear top; a pair of yingfa legskins; 2 pairs of socks; a pair of boxers, a pair of shorts; a t-shirt; and a jumper, ...and I'm STILL shivering.
Having not solved the problem, I began to ask myself why.
The only things that I could think of was that either the garments are of the wrong type (swimming legskins, for example), or too tight.
Can anybody offer some in-sight? Should I not be warmer than I am? Is there a certain type of clothing I should be wearing? Is there something that will work better?
Ideally I would like to be able to wear it all day (including to work), so would need easy access to 'the plumbing'. ...which was the reason for the leotard/leggings combo. And because of the 'thermals' excuse, and because the high neck of my under-armour top will hide most other high-necks, I can get away with wearing just about anything. (Toys will take a bit more hiding, though aren't completely out of the picture, if anyone was thinking of suggesting some 😋)
I'm not really into nylon, ...well, technically I just don't feel as excited about it as lycra or latex (although I do think I'm failing to recognise something, or I've maybe got 'plain' tights and not 'nice' tights), but when I was told (by a male), in reponse to: "It's bloody cold", that it was time to dig out the tights, it got me wondering if tights offered something that lycra leggins didn't.
And so, I put it to you, all you nylon aficionados: Do they?
Wishing for a warm response,
If I understand correctly, what makes you feel cold is a very thin layer of sweat on your skin. All lycra/nylon/polyamide/synthetic fabrics are different. Some "feel" warm, some cold.
As a general rule of thumb, your clothes must breath and there must be a cumulative layer of air. If the material does not breath, you will get that thin layer of sweat and it will make you shiver regardless the amount of layers you have on.
You cannot predict, you have to try. It does not depend on the brand. E.g. we (me and my wife) have a pair of very thin transparent string bodysuits from Wolford. During one of vacations we were going to sleep in them, but had to switch to t-shirts after a couple of nights. But no Wolford pantyhose we have tried have this effect.
You can compare it with latex. Latex feels comfortable in a very narrow temperature range. One degree less and you will freeze, one degree high and you will soak and overheat.
You need the correct layering, you got it all wrong! There must be a layer of air near your body, and another layer over the air, that prevents the inside air to move out and let outside air in instead. There is no need for baggy clothes if the inside layer is fairly thick and has a large mesh to accomodate air. The next layer should seal off the inside ear, so it cannot exchange with the cold outside air. Instead, you are wearing the only air-buffers on the outside (t-shirt and jumper). A thin skintight layer directly on your skin has no effect, this could be some sexy stuff.
A working outfit could be like this:
Tight but light latex catsuit on your skin
Figure hugging, but not tight cotton catsuit next
PVC overall of your size, not too baggy, but not tight either, for the outer layer.
The latex catsuit is not necessary but a bit more kinky on the skin than the cotton catsuit.
Some good rules for not feeling cold:
Eat reasonable amounts of calories, your body has to burn quite a few in order to maintain its temperature on cold winter days.
Keep feet, hands and head warm.
Sleep enough.
Keep your blood vessels and blood circulation in a good shape. Some endurance sports, alternating hot and cold showers and sauna are very helpful for this.
There is a "point of no return" when feeling cold, at which you have to take serious measures to regain your body temperature. Try to avoid this point. This also includes regular small but nutritive meals with calories - lettuce won't help - before feeling really cold. Eating too much will make you tired, concentrates the main blood circulation to the intestines and the "central heating" kicks in only much later. Alcohol can make you less sensible to cold but actually cools you down. Hot beer or wine is supposed to help recover from flu and cold, but only in small quantities.
Heat -conducting - good point. Latex is a very good heat conductor, BTW.
Ahhh, I knew there would be science behind it!
I seem to recall seeing a video in a science class about thermal insulation (or something), and how string vests were really good for whatever it was on about, because of the holes in it... I guess nylon tights work the same way?
So I'm guessing it's not really going to benefit me (temperature wise) to wear my fetish stuff under my street clothes really? Or perhaps some of it might, but very slightly?
Without a nylon catsuit (which I don't have), could you recommend something that would be the next best thing as a 'fetish' layer?
And Like Ra, I can attest to how so many items are different, even within brands.
After going through nearly my whole collection of lycra stuff tonight, I was reminded of just how vastly different the same blend of material could feel.
Some were rough, some were smooth, some were very shiny, some were not so much, some had even self destructed ❗, while some of my oldest stuff still looks brand new (albeit creased).
It's amazing how much it all differs. And I guess it was silly of me to assume they would all have the same insulating properties. I've just not got a clue about this sort of stuff, I'm more usually a 'suffer in silence' type of person, but this year I want to exploit the 'thermals' excuse completely.
I forgot to mention down- and quilted clothes. A quilted overall, such as a 70s ski suit, should be quite sufficient for outdoors during a typical Western-European winter day. It used to be the standard outfit of prostitutes on the streets in winter, and they didn't wear much underneath. And such garments sometimes have quite interesting inside layers, especially, if you like polyester in its purest plastic weave form.
(29 Nov 2012, 23:33 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]I guess nylon tights work the same way?
Again, depend on the tights. Recently I'm experimenting with cheap pantyhose from supermarket, and even in that segment the difference is huge. Some feel sticky and sweaty, some feel non-existent, some feel extremely comfortable with or without any clothes. Regardless the density.
(29 Nov 2012, 23:33 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]So I'm guessing it's not really going to benefit me (temperature wise) to wear my fetish stuff under my street clothes really?
I was once wearing latex stockings between pantyhose and jeans. Very positive result in very difficult weather conditions - +6, wind and rain.
So there is a difference between pairs of tights?
I've tried my GF's ones on, and I have to say, I was a little disappointed. They weren't really tight (Even with 3 pairs on) and they weren't exactly smooth. Is this to be expected of tights, or are there 'nice' tights that feel a million times better?
I feel like I'm missing something... but maybe they just aren't me.
Strappado - I know exactly what you're on about. I used to have a maroon coloured ski-suit when I was younger, which I had completely forgot about until now! I used to love sneaking into it at night, completely naked. So cold. So smooth. So sleek. So orgasmic.
It was a shame when it became too tight to get into, and got thrown out. Even now, I would love to experience it once more, just like it used to feel.
No doubt they are still for sale, but it just wouldn't be the same now that I've... matured. 😉
I have seen some quilted PVC shorts on ebay though, and I instantly wanted to buy them, but they were extravagantly priced for a 10 minute experiment. One day...
I'm liking the look of inflatable shorts too... or at least slipping into a pair of inflated shorts. But again, the price of the curiosity is just too high.
Right now I'm all about latex and sheaths (with thanks to this site! 😉) but once that itch is scratched (and once I've also bought a rubberised mizuno and realise swimsuit to add to my collection), I'll indulge in the thoughts at the back of my head.
Like Ra Wrote:I was once wearing latex stockings between pantyhose and jeans. Very positive result in very difficult weather conditions - +6, wind and rain.
Ah-hah! I just wish I could get a hold of the guy that chlorinates my stuff. I've got a latex catsuit that's begging to be taken for a walk 😉.
And in the interests of body-heat, I'd gladly wear tights (perhaps even a nylon catsuit, if I can find one to buy) underneath.
(30 Nov 2012, 00:43 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]So there is a difference between pairs of tights?
Yes. Huge.
(30 Nov 2012, 00:43 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]They weren't really tight
You can have as tight as you want. Check, for example, medical tights. I doubt you will be able to put them on.
(30 Nov 2012, 00:43 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]they weren't exactly smooth
I would distinguish smooth, rough, soft, slippery, etc. They are all different. Keep trying 😉
(30 Nov 2012, 00:43 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]are there 'nice' tights that feel a million times better?
Absolutely. You can find anything you would like to wear at the moment (our mood, weather and skin condition vary). Keep trying 😉
(30 Nov 2012, 00:43 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: [ -> ]I just wish I could get a hold of the guy that chlorinates my stuff.
DIY 😉 I finally did it this last summer.