Most amazing shop LikeRa :P

2 Replies, 3535 Views

I just went into the shop that is linked on the left side on this site. and not long ago i got a bonus lets call it so now im spoiling myself. This is what i gotπŸ˜‹
- 1 x Strict Leather Deluxe Black and Pink Locking Cuffs
- 1 x Asylum Locking Chastity Cage (these 2 uthera toys being my first)
- 1 x Prince Albert's Wand with Glans Ring
- 1 x Strict Leather Locking Butt Plug Harness with Inflatable Plug
- 1 x Gag Harness with Blindfold
even after all this is still got money left.. if i where to buy this in my own country i would be bankrupt xD THANKS LIKERA πŸ˜‹
(This post was last modified: 11 Mar 2021, 21:19 by Like Ra.)
Nice one! Glad that you liked the shop, I like it as well (hence I linked it to the site).

And yes, I've heard about prices in Norway... No way! 😁 (pun intended)
mhmm some stuff in norway are just off the roof crazy high like cars for example and sexual toys amongst other things πŸ˜‹ i am sooooo looking forward to go to work or out in the public with my uthera plugged giving me a sort or feeling that i want it up but cant beacuse of the rod going up inside meπŸ˜‹ also waring the plug harness πŸ˜‹

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