For even more content in mp3s from Ultra Hypnosis be sure to check out my patreon page. Link in the video description. This recording is designed to help you have more fun and enjoy yourself more, when you are wearing your swimsuit. This recording will help you feel much more confident and comfortable when you wear a swimsuit. Now for this recording to be most effective, I would recommend, that you listen to this recording, and go into trance wearing your swimsuit. Now if you're not in an appropriate place to wear a swimsuit, you can also imagine wearing your swimsuit. Both ways will be effective, but if you're wearing your swimsuit, I can apply a technique called anchoring. Anchoring will help you associate all the positive emotions you feel in trance with your swimsuit. So when you're out and about wearing your swimsuits you're ready to relax, and you're ready to have some fun. So if you are going to change into your swimsuit, pause the recording now. Very good! You should be nice and comfortable ready to go into trance, whether you're wearing your swimsuit or not. First I would like you to find a point in the room that you're in. I want you to focus all of your attention on to this point in the room. Look at this point and do let your gaze soften as you relax. Going into trance is always a positive experience, so it's so easy to relax. As you listen to my voice keep on gazing at that point. Now in a moment I am going to count down from five to one. When I count off an odd number I want you to close your eyes. And when I count off an even number I want you to try to open your eyes even if it's feeling difficult to do so. Let's do a little practice round, shall we? Five. Close your eyes, relax deeper, let go of everything. Four. Open your eyes, noticing slowly, but surely, how difficult it's becoming to open those heavy heavy eyelids. Three. Close those eyes. It's so natural and easy to do so. Two. Slowly open those eyes, even though you really don't want to. And one. Sleep! Close your eyes, let those eyelids lock shut, because every single time I say "sleep", you sink twice as deep, twice as fast into trance. It just happens easily and effortlessly, like a reflex. You don't have to do anything at all. All you have to do is relax and sleep deeply for me. Let's see if you can go even deeper. In a moment, I am going to count from one to three. And when I reach three, you will wake up and open your eyes, ready to go even deeper into trance. One. Two. Three. Wake up and open your eyes. Now can you do something for me? Focus again on the spot in the room, that you were looking at before. Just like that. Very good! Five. Close those eyes, relax so deeply. Four. It's becoming nearly impossible to open those eyelids. Three. It just feels so good to listen to my voice and be deeply hypnotized. Tow. Just let it become impossible to open those eyes, because you just want to... One. Sleep! Close those eyes, and drift down deep. Twice as fast, twice as deep into sleep. Deep, deep, sleep. Every sink time I snap my fingers and say "sleep!", you drop so very deep, so very fast. Ready now to drop even deeper, even faster. One. Two. Three. Open those eyes, look ahead, focus on that point in the room. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Sleep! So very deep, deeper and deeper, feeling better and better. Only going deeper every single time I snap my fingers and say "sleep!". It's as easy as: One. Two. Three. Open your eyes and... "Sleep!" Close those eyelids and do let them lock shut. All you need to do right now is focus on how good it feels to be hypnotized. You feel completely calm and comfortable, safe and secure, just drifting deeply hypnotized. Now, let the idea of your swimsuit drift into your mind. Right now you're feeling very, very good, and right now you're thinking about your swimsuit. It's very easy to allow these thoughts and feelings to drift and intermingle. Becoming one you can allow yourself to be reminded of all of the positive and comforting emotions you feel, when you're hypnotized, when you wear your swimsuit, because when you're wearing a swimsuit you want to enjoy yourself, you want to have some fun, and when you're hypnotized you want to enjoy yourself, and you want to have some fun. You're open to new experiences, and you're not focusing on what other people think. You're focusing inwards on yourself, and on what feels good right now. Right now it feels good to be hypnotized. And later on it will feel good to wear your swimsuit, because you wear your swimsuit in places, where you want to have fun. You wear your swimsuit to the beach or the pool. Places where you can enjoy yourself. You can always enjoy yourself, when you are wearing your swimsuit. Right now think of something else, that you enjoy and do let that thought drift closer to the idea of wearing your swimsuit. As you drift in this relaxed into open state of mind, you can find that more and more positive emotions just drift to the idea of you wearing your swimsuit. The concept of wearing your swimsuit makes you feel happy, because it means you're getting ready to have some fun. You're getting ready to enjoy yourself. That's what's happening: When you put on your swimsuit you anticipate having fun. When you anticipate having fun, you imagine it in your mind. And when you imagine that you're about to have fun, that in and off itself is kind of fun. Just drift, just focus on this feeling, just imagine having fun. Right now just imagine enjoying yourself fully and completely. When you're wearing your swimsuit you're getting ready to have fun, so you can easily and effortlessly let all of these good feelings flow into your mind, when you wear your swimsuit, because you're just getting ready. A little bit in advance. You're just getting ready to have fun before it happens, because you always want to be open and ready to the possibility of enjoying yourself more and more. Every single time you put on your swimsuit you can feel a rush of positive feelings and emotions. You can feel good, you can feel calm and comfortable, safe and secure, knowing that you're about to have some fun. It's like when you listen to my voice, when you're ready to go into trance, you find that you automatically and effortlessly get ready to relax and enjoy yourself. When you put on your swimsuit I want you to automatically and effortlessly get ready to have some fun. You should feel confident, calm and comfortable, ready to enjoy yourself fully and completely, whether you be on the beach, at a pool or someplace else. It doesn't matter, because you're ready to have fun and you're ready to enjoy yourself fully and completely. Just drifting right now, feeling so happy, feeling so good. Every single time you put on your swimsuit, you feel this way. And every single time you feel this way these feelings intensify. Every single time, no matter what, you feel better and better wearing your swimsuit. More ready to relax and enjoy yourself, more open to having fun, feeling calm, comfortable and confident in your swimsuit. Just letting these new thoughts and beliefs flow into your mind so easily and naturally. You're ready to have fun and enjoy yourself when you wear your swimsuit. So now that you're feeling so good, so calm, comfortable and confident, how about I wake you up from trance, so you can go and enjoy yourself. I am going to count from 1 to 5. And when I reach 5, you'll wake up and open your eyes feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, awake and alert, and so calm, confident and comfortable in your swimsuit. One. Slowly drifting towards wakefulness. Two. More and more. Three. Slowly becoming aware of your surroundings. Four. Almost there. And five. Wake up and open your eyes, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, awake and alert, and ready to go enjoy yourself, and have some fun in your swimsuit.